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New Israel App a boon for tourists




A virtual tour guide, travel companion and digital guidebook all in one has just been released this month and is a download for Apple and Android devices – it could only be an Israeli invention.

The millions of visitors to Israel every year now have a complete mobile audio tour guide and travel companion at their fingertips. The Israel App brings to life some 400 sites and the history behind them with stunning visuals, crisp audio, and fascinating interactive articles, providing so much more than traditional guidebooks for so much less.

Charedi women are the programmers

Defying all stereotypes, the Jew IQ team which developed the app is headed by CEO Joel Padowitz and Yaakov Lehman, who are American Olim, splitting their time between Kollel and revolutionising the app world. The software engineers behind the scenes are over 30 Israeli Charedi female programmers.

“Until now, visitors unable to afford a professional guide simply missed out on so much of what Israel has to offer. The Israel App is a game-changer,    allowing everyone in Israel to have a world class tour guide, local insider and virtual concierge in their pocket,” says Joel Padowitz, CEO of Jew IQ, the App’s producer. “And even if you are with a human guide, the app is an incredible tool for discovering Israel.”

Israel App

The App includes convenient GPS-based guided tours and navigation functions to allow travellers to discover unseen sites around them instantly. For those familiar with the usual tourist hot spots, the Israel App identifies dozens of lesser-known sites for veteran travellers.

The app’s initial release covers all of greater Jerusalem, including the Old City, the City of David, and even an in-depth walk-through of the Jerusalem Zoo. Future releases will include Masada, Caesarea, Tel Aviv and other popular sites.

The Israel App is available from GooglePlay and AppStore. To Find out more: see their website at and view a demonstration.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Brian

    December 7, 2013 at 1:32 am

    ‘Can the BRILLIANT Israel App be used by people who cannot go to Israel? i.e. for virtual tours?’

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