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No contradiction between evolution and bible

Contrary to popular belief, there is no contradiction between the theory of evolution and the bible’s account of the evolution of life. These two narratives are remarkably similar.



Martin Zagnoev

Both indicate that life began with the simplest life forms in the beginning and climaxed with the development of human beings in the end.

Whoever wrote the bible seemed to have known about evolution thousands of years before it was discovered by science. Clearly it was the method employed by the Creator when rolling out life on earth.

Medical students are usually amazed by the incredible coincidences and complexities of life, but are often taught not to accept the obvious religious conclusions.

Spiritual matters are beyond the scope of science which is largely limited by what it can physically test and measure.

Science shows that the world is millions of years old, yet the Abrahamic religions seem to believe that it is less than 6 000 years old.

According to traditional Judaism we are now in year 5775. Yet this is often misunderstood because this count only began on the sixth “day” of Creation, after humans were made. The bible does not say that the “days” of Creation were 24 hours long. They could not have been literal day-night periods because the sun which normally shows when a day begins and ends, was only created on day four.

According to the Ramban, who wrote one of the most important rabbinic commentaries on the bible, the Creation story is not meant to be taken literally anyway.

Finally, the existence of life is just too amazing to have been the result of so many incredible coincidences, unguided by a prime force.


Sunningdale Ridge, Johannesburg


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