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No peace possible in Israel without Torah solution



Choni Davidowitz

Time after time, Sifrin and others present their opinions and proposals for peace between Israel and Palestinians. Not one of them mentions the word of G-d. In fact, all of them ignore the Torah altogether. Once again in last week’s edition an article by Sifrin is in complete contradiction of the Torah solution to the conflict in Israel.

I want to suggest to Sifrin and all those who have opinions on the issue of peace in Eretz Yisrael – “But there is a G-d in Israel.”

Only the Torah has a foolproof solution to eternal peace in the Jewish state. The removal of all Arabs who refuse to accept the exclusive, unquestioned Jewish sovereignty over all of Israel is not only logical and normal for any Jew with a modicum of self-preservation, it is also the Jewish halachic obligation. The transfer of Arabs from Israel is not a political or personal view. It is a Jewish outlook based on halacha.

The Torah (which nobody should question) clearly commanded: “And you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the Land from before you… But if you will not drive out the inhabitants of the Land, then it will come to pass that those you let remain, shall be pins in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and shall torment you in the land wherein you dwell. (Num.33, 52-55).

The biblical commentators are explicit. “And you shall drive out the inhabitants and then you shall inherit it, you will be able to exist in it. And if you do not, you will not be able to exist in it in peace.” (Rashi).”

There will be no peace or tranquility in Eretz Yisrael, no matter what “peace” agreements are reached with any Arab government as long as Arabs remain within Israel. The Arabs in Israel represent Hillul Hashem in its starkest form. Their rejection of Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel constitutes a rejection of the sovereignty and kingship of the Lord G-d of Israel. Their transfer from the Land of Israel becomes much more than a political issue. It is a religious obligation.

Far from fearing what the “world” will say if we do such a thing (transfer), let the Jew tremble as he considers the anger of the A-mighty if we do not. This is Jewishness; this is Torah.

In a poll taken recently in Israel, almost half the population is in favour of transfer of all hostile Arabs. In “biblical’ terms if more than half of the population favours an issue, it is akin to all of the people favouring transfer.

Is the Torah policy of bringing eternal peace to our Holy Land becoming a reality? No question!


Golden Acres, Johannesburg


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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    March 23, 2016 at 12:59 pm

    ‘I have to agree with Choni. Notwithstanding the PEW REPORT. ‘

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