
Now try the US boerie sausage
Glatt Kosher boerie sausages
A regular reader and expat now living and working in Seattle sent the story on FACON to share with fellow SAJR users recently. “I love this name,” wrote Sara. “I felt compelled to buy a lot.
Feels more honest a name than macon, and a little bit more chutzpahdik too :-).”
Now, Sarah has found Glatt kosher Boerewors-flavoured sausages in the same Seattle store. It turns out that they come from the same manufacturer,
Jack Silberstein, the proprietor of JACKS GOURMET KOSHER, whose Glatt kosher products are available throughout the United States (SEE MAP ABOVE RIGHT) clearly couldn’t miss the opportunity that so many expat SA kashniks offered.
And, we suppose, US Jewry who have come out to visit South Africa, tried our famous boerie on the braai and gone home looking to find the product.
Jack’s website describes the product thus: “This traditional South African farmer’s sausage gets its predominant flavours from coriander and vinegar. The focal point of any braai, boerewors is best unadorned and served simply with grilled onions and red juicy tomatoes.”
Clearly not one to miss an opportunity, Jack Silberstein;s kosher Boerewors-flavoured sausages seem to have been a big enough hit to make it onto his permanent product range.