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Off to Mauritius!




This year the Chev is running its second annual Marriage Week from July 31 to August 7. 

Following the success of last year’s launch, our Social Services department has pursued many channels to promote marriage enrichment.    

Research is a major component in the development of these strategies and this survey will offer an insight into how you are feeling and what you’re thinking about marriage. 

Don’t worry, though, all responses are strictly confidential and will be analysed by a professional, independent survey company who will give us general feedback only. Because so many good things come in twos, please remember that both you and your spouse need to complete the survey to be eligible to win the draw.

Let’s face it, marriage – like all relationships we treasure – requires investment, awareness and energy. But there’s no doubt it’s worth the effort, for our children and for ourselves.

So, in addition to completing the survey I will also be taking my wife out to dinner, making sure I mention, regularly, how much I appreciate all she does for our family and consciously looking for opportunities to share meaningful dialogue.

I’m sure Mauritius will provide lots of quiet time for that!

Watch the media for more information on what the week has to offer. Healthy marriages make happier families that result in stronger communities!

May our partnership continue to thrive.





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1 Comment

  1. Denis Solomons

    July 22, 2015 at 10:52 am

    ‘Just enter me in the competition ; if I win it I will share it with my wife !

    I am sure she will not mind.’

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