Wacky World

Only among American Jewry…
OyVey! Indeed. Imagine your son was the short, moustachioed, heavyset Ron Jeremy whose claim to fame is being the number one male star of adult cinema in the US?
Since 1979 Ron Jeremy has appeared in well over 800 adult feature films. And, at 50+ years of age, the charismatic and often comedic Ron Jeremy is still appearing in front of the camera in adult films and he’s definitely attained iconic status in the adult entertainment industry and beyond.
Portly Ron is not blessed with film star looks and a chiselled six-pack (a decidedly unchiselled 12- or 18-pack would be more like it) – his appeal and talents lie in other areas and his “regular guy” appearance and amazing endurance in front of the camera have undoubtedly contributed to his phenomenal success in the industry.
RIGHT: Ron Jeremy with
Billy-Ray Cyrus
He’s also one of the very few adult film stars to make the jump into mainstream cinema, with minor appearances in movies such as Reindeer Games (2000), Detroit Rock City (1999) and The Boondock Saints (1999).
He was born Ron Jeremy Hyatt on March 12, 1953, in New York City, attained a master’s degree from Queens College and then commenced special educational teaching in the New York City area.
LEFT: Ron with Elton John
In 1978, a girlfriend sent his photo off to “Playgirl” magazine for appearance in its “Boy Next Door” pages. Ron received a deluge of female fan mail, and letters of interest from adult filmmakers! And the rest, as they say, is history?
One wonders if our Ron is featured with “Two-Gun Cohen” in 99 Fascinating Jewish Personalities?