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Our direction must be set by Torah compass



Rabbi Ari Woznica

 Eden College

That authority, however, is not merely another person, wiser and/or more experienced than oneself, but rather a repository of Torah knowledge. His decisions reflect the Torah’s wisdom, and not his own. In that vein, our sages refer to a Torah scholar as “a walking Torah scroll”.

For the guidance which he gives, is an extension of the rulings of the Torah and not merely what he thinks is right at the moment.

To explain this principle: Judaism is not merely confined to the shul. Its scope goes beyond the realms of prayer and study and encompasses every human endeavour.

Therefore the Torah contains laws governing agriculture, commerce, employer/employee relationships and other matters which we would not ordinarily place in the sphere of religion.

Needless to say, all the situations one encounters in these areas are not cut and dry and there is not necessarily an explicit injunction in Torah law governing every given circumstance.

This is the purpose of a Torah judge. He must use the principles of Torah law to determine the course of action to follow when the Torah does not tell us precisely what to do. By doing so, he brings all the different elements of our worldly activities into connection with the Torah, showing how a person can bring the Torah into every aspect of his life.

This concept applies not only within the personal realm, the guidance and direction a particular individual needs in his personal life, but also to communities at large.

In that vein, our sages teach that the judges of the Sanhedrin, Israel’s highest court, may not sit in repose in their chamber in the Temple courtyard, but instead must “gird themselves with bands of steel, lift his robes above his knees, and traverse from city to city to teach the Jewish people”.

For every Jewish community and our people as a whole should have its direction set by the compass of the Torah’s principles. Instead of depending on the vicissitudes of mortal knowledge, our course should be steered by the spiritual insight the Torah endows.

By empowering Torah judges to show true leadership in the present era, we anticipate the fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecy: “I will return your judges as in former times,” with the coming of Mashiach in whose time the Sanhedrin will again convene and guide our people.


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1 Comment

  1. Choni

    August 29, 2014 at 10:01 am

    ‘Wonderful and true sentiments.

    What a pity these Torah principals can never be practiced in Golus, not now or ever.

    Lets hope that our young community moves to Israel before the Mashiach arrives.’

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