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Outrage over proposed renaming of Sandton Drive after Leila Khaled



The City of Johannesburg’s proposal to rename Sandton Drive after an infamous Palestinian plane hijacker has sparked a divisive debate that cuts across political lines.

Renaming the road “Leila Khaled Drive” is viewed by many as a gross violation of the city’s own renaming policies, and a waste of money. Businesses and residents are outraged at the attempt to glorify violence and extremism in the heart of Sandton’s business district.

Khaled, 80, is a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, an internationally designated terrorist organisation. She is known as the poster girl of Palestinian militancy for her role in hijacking TWA flight 840 from Rome to Tel Aviv in 1969, as well as many other terrorist activities.

“To venerate violence and honour such an individual is an affront to peace-loving South Africans, including the Jewish community in Johannesburg,” says Rolene Marks, spokesperson for the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF). On its behalf, she condemned the proposal as “malicious”, “divisive”, and “deliberately provocative”.

Sandton Drive is home to the United States Consulate and is within walking distance of several synagogues and Jewish schools.

The Joburg metro announced the proposal on 18 September, urging interested and affected people or parties to submit their comments or representations within 28 days.

They have until 15 October to lodge objections.

The protracted renaming saga dates back to 2018 when now failed mayor Thapelo Amad (then councillor of the minor Al Jama-ah political party, which at the time held one out of 270 seats in the Johannesburg City Council) brought the troublesome motion before the council. Amad stepped down as mayor last year on the eve of a motion of no confidence in him. He had sparked controversy soon after 7 October when he posed with an assault rifle and a flag with the Hamas logo, proudly posting: “We stand with Hamas, Hamas stands with us, together we are Palestin [sic] and Palestin [sic] will be free. With our souls, with our blood, we will conquer Al Aqsa.”

The original motion in 2018 was rejected by the Democratic Alliance and other parties, but they were outnumbered when the Economic Freedom Fighters and the African National Congress voted in favour.

Fast forward seven years – which have included a few Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions SA protests calling for a speedy name change – and the matter has once again reared its head.

The proposal has been met with widespread opposition from several parties, including ActionSA.

Its Gauteng chairperson, Funzi Ngobeni, says he believes “Sandton Drive” is a perfectly neutral and unifying name. It is perfectly appropriate for a heterogeneous and cosmopolitan society such as Johannesburg.

“As ActionSA, we will leave no stone unturned to lobby all political parties in the City of Johannesburg to vote against this proposal as we believe it offers no benefits whatsoever to the residents of our great city.”

Ngobeni says the party is not against the renaming of public landmarks to reinforce the City’s heritage, as it honours those who have played a significant role in history and strengthens our collective identity.

But he expressed concern about the challenges the metro is grappling with, including service delivery failures, crippling water shortages, rampant unemployment, severe housing shortages, crumbling infrastructure, and rising crime rates.

He says these pressing challenges require urgent attention, rather than the renaming of a street.

Democratic Alliance Councillor Martin Williams has been following the saga closely since 2018, and says the renaming “serves no purpose other than to antagonise significant sections of the community.”

Williams notes how the proposed naming is in direct contravention of its policies.

According to these policies, “Naming after living people should be avoided, because community attitudes and opinions can change over time”; and “names should not be discriminatory or derogatory from the point of view of race, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or gender, colour, creed, political affiliation or other social factors to any community or section of a community; names should promote goodwill and reconciliation; names should promote a sense of ownership and the character of an area”.

He says no-one has demonstrated how Khaled has contributed to the development of Johannesburg.

Councillor Lynda Shackleford says she had been inundated with calls from irate Sandton residents, many of whom suffer regular water outages because of persistent problems with the city’s ageing infrastructure.

“My phone has not stopped ringing. The city is thinking of changing the name of a road that leads you to Sandton, thereby taking Sandton off the map, It’s illogical,” she says.

Marks says the name change appears deliberately provocative towards the US Consulate located on Sandton Drive, potentially discouraging American investment in Johannesburg.

She says Khaled’s infamy extends beyond failed hijackings. “She continues to advocate for violence and terror against Israelis to this day. In recent years, she has made statements supporting ‘resistance in all its forms, first and foremost through armed struggle’.”

She says the SAZF condemns the City of Johannesburg’s apparent attempt to appease extremist minorities at the expense of offending a significant portion of the city’s residents.

“This political manoeuvre is viewed as both malicious and counterproductive, especially during a time when the nation should be celebrating its unique history and unity,” she says.

The recommended route for objections by email is to the relevant City official,
Please cc your councillor. In the case of Ward 90 that is
Most of Sandton Drive is within Ward 90. You can also email Lynda Shackleford at
If using email, please include full name and cell number. Preferably also ID and address.
POPIA Act to be observed. Info used only for purposes of Sandton Drive issue.
Williams says people are free to say whatever they choose but suggests challenging the City on adherence to its own policy on the “Naming and Renaming of Streets and Other Public Places in the City of Johannesburg”.

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1 Comment

  1. Jeffrey Schaffer

    September 26, 2024 at 3:56 pm

    I am furious that Islamist Jihadists have once again tried to raise the profile of one of their terrorists in our city. It is completely against the spirit of our country, to elevate the name of an international terrorist, into the lives of those of us who live in Sandton. This type of blatant disregard for the majority of our people, is just typical of these radical Jihadists. Send them back to Afghanistan, where they can live among their own people, sharing their shared chosen ideology.
    J. Schaffer

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