Pandering to anti-Semitism
Pandor is ANC (African National Congress) through and through. Given that, her attitude to Israel and Jews is not surprising or new. She appears to have been educated about Israel and the conflict by reading the literature of Hamas and the Palestine Liberation Organisation.
Steve Marks, Johannesburg
An ostensibly educated and intelligent woman, she has clearly missed the impartiality boat in favour of the rocket to anti-Semitism. The ANC is clear on this. It’s not clear about anything else save for beating up Israel. It’s a hobby for this despotic regime. The ANC can’t offer anything to the international arena to assist with the Israeli-Arab issue. It has neither the acumen nor the impartiality required to comment in a positive and meaningful way. The ANC presence at the United Nations Security Council is an international joke. It can’t control the plight in South Africa nor the chicanery within its ranks, yet it would rather lecture the world on morality and ethics. Go figure.
The ANC supports terrorism, end of story. While I understand that the attitude of the South African Zionist Federation and South African Jewish Board of Directors towards the ANC is one of pandering to the political masters of this country, I feel a stronger stance should be taken against this kind of rhetoric in the interests of the South African Jewish community.
Bernard Manyatshe
January 13, 2024 at 1:50 am
My opinion differs from yours. You are attacking Pandor without laying out facts that reflects the reality. I find it difficult to reconcile the promotion of the destruction and killings of innocent kids and mothers in Palestine and the decency of humanity. Your hatred of people that don’t look like you is appalling and disgusting. Please try and interrogate your inner self before attacking other human beings that do not look like you. Humility is a virtue
June 3, 2024 at 12:52 pm
Race has nothing to do with this matter. There are more Jews of color that white Jews.
The ANC have nailed their colors to the mast of this sinking ship. They are with Hamas and the rest of the world despots. Pandor is a reprehensible being with a clear agenda against Jews. Her new moslem status has placed her within reach of the Iranians and other bad actors. With a bit of luck she will fade away into the dungeons of pathetic ANC scoundrels that have raped this country. The Pandor facts are plain as daylight. Interrogate myself? Thanks Freud, your opinion and insight is superfluous. Am Ysrael Chai