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Patriotic Alliance defiantly heads to Holy Land



The controversial head honchos of the Patriotic Alliance (PA), Gayton McKenzie and Kenny Kunene, are heading to the Holy Land next week.

Political pundits have predicted that the governing African National Congress will probably lose its majority in next year’s general elections, making a coalition government unavoidable. And the visit to Israel, which has a coalition government, is a sign that the PA sees itself as a future coalition kingpin.

Party president McKenzie, a former convicted bank robber, past mayor of the Central Karoo District Municipality, and motivational speaker, told the SA Jewish Report that the anti-Israel lobby “had already started to talk about us but we don’t pay attention to their opinions”.

He said that “Everybody has been trying to persuade us not to go, but those who know us will know that’s an exercise in futility. We’re a sovereign party and we answer only to our members. Our members understand the value of different perspectives.”

McKenzie said the PA’s geopolitical strategy is a non-aligned South Africa and bona fide peacemaker in the world. “We believe that it hurts the Palestinians just as much by not speaking to Israel.”

Unafraid of a potential backlash by anti-Israel lobbyists, he said he’d tell detractors, “Being friendly to Israel doesn’t mean you’re an enemy to Palestine, and vice versa.”

A PA press statement said that the current government in the Knesset comprises six parties, adding, “Israel is a country struggling with deep and complex social and political issues against the backdrop of a divided history. Whatever one’s views may be on the country, valuable lessons can be drawn for South Africa from its experiences.”

The PA’s confrontational, populist brand of politics makes headlines for a range of controversial views, most notably its stance that it will remove illegal immigrants from South Africa if elected to national government.

McKenzie will travel to Israel with his deputy, Kunene, once dubbed “the sushi king” for his extravagant parties, and also a former convict, businessman, politician, motivational speaker, teacher, and activist.

“Israel has been run under a coalition for decades, and in light of the fact that the PA will be part of a ruling coalition after 2024, we decided to go to Israel to engage with leaders who have experience in managing coalition politics,” said McKenzie.

“It’s unavoidable that there will be a ruling coalition in South Africa after the national elections of 2024, and it’s equally unavoidable that the PA will be part of the ruling coalition. We take this matter very seriously, and that’s why we’re going to Israel to prepare for our role in the ruling coalition,” he added. “We’re looking forward to engaging with world leaders who have different views to our own, and who have experience in governing in a coalition as we’ll be called on to do in 2024.

“We believe in the Japanese saying ‘one must learn from the mistakes of others’. We’re a sovereign party and we’ll engage with whoever we believe is necessary to engage with in order to bring a better government to South Africa.”

McKenzie said the PA is also interested in Israeli innovation and technology.

“Only a fool would ignore innovation, but in particular the innovations that Israel has produced would be life-changing to many South Africans. The PA is particularly strong in the coastal cities of South Africa, which experience acute drought problems, and we’re excited to learn more about how Israel overcame this particular challenge.”

“I am a very curious person, which is why when I was invited to Orania, I went to see it for myself. There was good there, and there was bad. Israel divides opinions even more, but that doesn’t mean one can’t learn from the place. We won’t be taking anyone’s side in or about Israel. We’re going there to learn, and I’m always humbled to have the opportunity to learn something new and challenge whatever views I might have.”

The visiting politicians are expected to meet Israeli President Isaac Herzog as well as leaders of various political parties both in and outside the governing coalition.

“This is an important moment for us as a party as we continue to evolve our vision of a better South Africa that works for all its people.”

McKenzie said the party wasn’t setting its sights only on Israel, but would be planning visits to other democracies led by coalition governments, including Finland, Germany, and Denmark.

He’s also hoping to visit El Salvador. “President Nayib Bukele is a living example of how a young man with vision and true determination can free a society from the grip of crime and hopelessness.”

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  1. Kenneth Paul Ward

    July 23, 2023 at 7:58 pm

    How lovely to see the PA going to Israel to learn about coalitions in Israel. I commend Gayton and Kenny for their boldness. Knowledge achieved is power perceived; Power achieved is knowledge perceived. Israel understands these two things with all it’s problems they still put God first.

  2. Lucky Calvin Tembinkosi Shezi

    January 5, 2024 at 10:32 am

    I strongly recommend both leaders of PA to visit Israel

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