Letters/Discussion Forums

Peace with treacherous Palestinians a big no

Kol hakavod to Chaim Hillel Myerson on his brilliant letter of December 5 (Meeting with Abbas: Leadership has let us down.).



Noreen Merle Olshewsky

Personally, why should South African Jewry be persuaded to participate in the dismantling of the settlements according to the wants of Mahmoud Abbas for “so called peace”? How many times have we lost our beloved men, women and children, not forgetting our brave and courageous soldiers who, have fought too many wars for our young country?

Where will Abbas have peace with our people? How many times has he openly announced that Israel and its people must be destroyed? Whether we live in South Africa, New York or Australia, we are part and parcel of these people; we are Jews and our love should lie in the State of Israel.

A two-state solution in my book is definitely a no, as once this takes place the Palestinians will want the whole of Israel, the country Hashem gave to our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This cannot be denied as it is written in the Torah.

I am shocked to know that the Jewish Board of Deputies and the Zionist Federation shook hands with a terrorist who has no humanity even to his own people as their education is to “kill the Jew”.

Always remember: Hashem is watching.


Cape Town

1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    January 21, 2015 at 5:05 pm

    ‘Send these camel jockeys to Jordan. They are pests’

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