Letters/Discussion Forums

Personal attacks don’t win arguments
Sonny Myerson.
I also noted that the SA Jewish Board of Deputies and the SA Zionist Federation (run by the Krengels Inc and ANC lackeys) issued a joint statement viewing the Blade Nzimande visa rejection by Israel as “most regrettable”. Have you ever heard of a communal Muslim organisation condemning an Arab government?
I wonder who in the ANC instructed the Krengels to print that statement? We Jews in South Africa should be ashamed of the spineless SAJBD and the SAZF. In particular, we should say to Krengel Inc: “You do not speak for all SA Jewry. You have no right to make statements that a sizeable section (if not the majority) of the community do not agree with.
Be warned, SA Jewry: The SAJBD and the SAZF under Krengel Inc is becoming the mouthpiece of the ANC government. This is why Krengel Inc ran to meet (Mahmoud) Abbas (with Jewish blood on his hands).
They had been instructed to do so by the ANC. And just watch how the SA Jewish Report moves in the same direction under Sackstein.
We, the Jews of SA buckled under when apartheid ruled. Let’s not make the same mistake. It’s time to make all communal organisations more representative of the SA Jewish community.
An article by David Saks in the same issue asked why the young black population of South Africa was embracing anti-Semitism. The answer is simple. The “leadership” of our community has failed to tackle the problem. A dedicated professional organisation is needed to direct an ongoing campaign against anti-Semitism.
Instead of having an office for this and an office for that, energy should be poured into one agency to combat this scourge. If this is not done, the days of SA Jewry will be numbered and we will be blamed for the poor economic conditions that exist and which will get worse.
If we do not stand up and say enough, we will be blamed for unemployment in our country and for the perceived wealth of our community.
There are a number of Jewish organisations in SA that do incredible work, especially for the poor and marginalised black community. We should be shouting this from the rooftops and talking to as many young blacks as possible.
Let’s say to our “leaders”: If you want to prevent SA Jewry from being engulfed by an anti-Semitic backlash, get out of your plush offices, get off your behinds and do something.
Instead of running off to Israel, America and other places at the drop of a hat, do what you’re supposed to be doing, namely to protect the Jews of South Africa.
Sonny Myerson.
Oranjezicht, Cape Town
It is our paper’s policy to create in our letters page a platform for diverse opinion. But one of our cornerstones is fairness. Our letter writer makes sweeping statements about Howard Sackstein as an ANC lackey and of “Krengel Inc” ruling the roost at the SAJBD and SAZF and also being in the pocket of the ANC government. Sackstein is being tarred even before he has had a chance to assume office. As for “Krengel Inc”: Ben Swartz is chairman of the SAZF, with Avrom Krengel now treasurer; Mary Kluk is national chairman of the Board, with Zev Krengel president. Judge Howard Sackstein on what he’s doing at (and for) the paper and not what you think he might do in future. Due to space constraints, your letter has been slightly shortened. – Editor

Sonny Myerson
May 20, 2015 at 4:47 pm
‘I was not trying to win an argument. I merely stated how I felt about the poor leadership and the obvious ANC bias.
Your heading \”Personal attacks don’t win arguments\” has missed my point completely.’