Pine Street’s big Yom Yerushalayim event
Last Saturday night a capacity crowd at the Pine Street Shul Hall in Johannesburg celebrated Yom Yerushalayim in style.
Caption: Film producer Wayne Kopping receiving a watch from Ashley Lazarus.
The function started with a dvar torah about Jerusalem by Rabbi Anthony Gerson, the rabbi of Pine Sreet Shul.
This was followed by a selection of songs with Jerusalem as theme by Chazzan Ezra Sher, who was joined in his last song by Rabbi Ilan Herrmann of the Lions Shul. The audience thoroughly enjoyed this and joined in on the last song with dancing and singing.
Wayne Kopping, the producer of the film Under the Helmet and co-producer of the soon-to-be screened film, Mekonen, addressed the audience, giving the historical background to this new film
Kopping spoke of the great moment in Jewish history when Jerusalem was recaptured and the people of Israel could at last see and daven at this most holy site, the Kotel.
He explained that it was the Tzanchanim, the Parachute Division of the Israeli Army that recaptured Jerusalem and the Kotel in the Six Day War and that his latest documentary was about an Ethiopian Jew who became an officer in the prestigious Tzanchanim.
Chazzan Sher rounded off the evening’s entertainment with “Time to Say Goodbye” and the singing of Hatikvah.