
Polish cemetery: anti-Semitic, pro-ISIS graffiti

WARNING: Not for the faint-hearted! Vandals painted anti-Semitic and pro-ISIS graffiti at the Jewish cemetery in Sochaczew, in central Poland.




Not for the faint-hearted!

The graffiti, painted in the cemetery on Sunday night, included the slogans: “Holocaust never happened”, “Allah bless Hitler”, “Islamic State was here”, “Islam will dominate”, and “F*** Jews”. It was painted on the Ohel Tzadikim memorial.

The local Sochaczew Museum, which cares for the cemetery, has appealed to residents of the city for help in repairing the damage.

RIGHT: A collage of images in the Polish city of Sochaczew where vandals desecrated a Jewish cemetery on Sunday night


“The museum for years has carefully protected the finest artefacts of the past of all cultures and religions,” said museum director Pawel Rozdzestwienski this week.

“We discovered this barbaric behaviour at the cemetery with disbelief; it is not consistent with human decency. As museum professionals and at the same time residents of Sochaczew, we are ashamed of such behavior,” Rozdzestwienski said in a statement, too rattled to speak directly to the media.

Local police are investigating the incident.


  1. nat cheiman

    December 18, 2015 at 5:09 pm

    ‘Why is anyone surprised? This is Europe and the future is already here. Migrants [Racist, deleted  -ED] are the penalties that Europe will pay, like it or not. 


    READ THIS STORY: This same FATE AWAITS you one day too, Nat. Remember, simply replace any race you refer to with “JEWS” – and then decide if you would find it HURTFUL. If so, you will have committed a serious crime – both under SA and Israeli law.
    \nAnd so will we have, if we had knowingly allowed it.


  2. nat cheiman

    December 21, 2015 at 5:23 am

    ‘I try not to be overtly racist, Ant. However, as hard as I try, I am reminded by the fact that Jews,  generally do not murder, kill and maim like certain religions .

    Inasmuch as the graffiti is racist and written by people from the Islamic faith, how else can one perceive people like this?

    I understand fully the laws relating to this but again, many others do seem to perpetuate continuously, these acts of racism and hatred without penalty. ‘

  3. Choni

    December 21, 2015 at 7:44 am

    ‘Nat, You are 100% correct.’

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