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Post-Purim pre-Pesach portal

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Please be mindful of my Ps and Qs. I might still be a little pickled from my Purim partying! Last week, we celebrated the most joyous holiday of Purim, and now we pivot toward preparing for the ultimate festival of freedom: Pesach.

The transition from Purim to Pesach is one of the most dramatic shifts in the Jewish calendar. One day, we’re celebrating ad delo yada, embracing joyful chaos, and the next, we’re meticulously scrubbing every inch of our homes to eliminate even the smallest trace of chametz. The contrast is striking, but with the right approach, we can harness Purim’s energy to fuel a meaningful and joyous Pesach preparation.

That’s where the Post-Purim Pre-Pesach Preparation Portal comes in – our mindset shift that prevents poor performance perpetually by focusing on positivity, purpose, and precision.

At first glance, Purim and Pesach seem vastly different. Purim is about spontaneity – celebrating in a somewhat haphazard way. Pesach, by contrast, is structured down to the finest detail. Yet these two holidays aren’t disconnected but part of a single journey.

By perpetuating Purim’s purpose, we fuel our Pesach preparations. Just as Hashem flipped everything in an instant for the Jews in Persia, we approach Pesach knowing that true freedom – physical and spiritual – is always within reach.

In parshas Vayakhel, Moshe gathers the Jewish people to prepare for the Mishkan. But before they get to work, he reminds them about Shabbos, emphasising that preparation isn’t just about action, but intention.

Similarly, this Shabbos, we read parshas Parah, discussing the purification process through the ashes of the Parah Adumah (red heifer). Before bringing the Korban Pesach, the Jewish people had to be spiritually pure. We read this as a reminder that Pesach is more than just physical preparation, it’s about purifying our minds, hearts, and homes in anticipation of true redemption.

Chassidus teaches that hachana (preparedness) isn’t just a means to an end, but an essential part of the process. The effort we put into preparation determines the depth of the experience. A mitzvah performed with prior thought, effort, and intention is qualitatively different from one done hastily. Likewise, Pesach preparation permeates Pesach itself.

For those involved in creating a meaningful Pesach experience, whether for family, a community, or an entire Pesach retreat, we know that preparation is everything. When done right, it’s not just about logistics, but setting the stage for an uplifting yom tov.

That’s why the Post-Purim Pre-Pesach Preparation Portal is more than a catchy phrase, it’s a mindset shift. It’s pleasant when we perceive it, because when we perceive it, we can achieve it. We prevent poor performance perpetually by infusing the process with:

  • Positivity: let the joy of Purim continue, knowing that every moment of preparation is part of a greater mission;
  • Purpose: Pesach isn’t just about avoiding chametz; it’s about experiencing true freedom;
  • Precision: channel the energy of Purim into well-planned, meaningful action;
  • Persistence: great preparation doesn’t happen overnight, it’s steady progress;
  • Perspective: step back and remember that this isn’t just about physical work, but spiritual transformation;
  • Plausibility and perfection: when Pesach preparation is seen as possible and meaningful, it becomes pleasant and uplifting.

As we pivot from Purim to Pesach, let’s embrace this mindset. With positivity, purpose, and precision, we don’t just prevent poor performance, we set ourselves up for a Pesach of true freedom and joy.

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