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Jewish News

Pretoria celebrates its ‘best-ever’ Shabbos Project




Regardless of which home the hundreds of members of the Pretoria Jewish community congregated at, each one felt that the dinner they attended was definitely the best! 

While actually no comparison could really be made, each of the dozen or so hosts achieved the ultimate objective of Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein’s goal, namely bringing members of the community together for a unique and wonderful unified Shabbat experience. 

A huge yasher koach to all those who opened their homes, whether it be for10 guests or for 100. The aim of the Pretoria Jewish community was to try and ensure that everyone was included at a Shabbat dinner and hopefully no one was left out.

Those who came to the Pretoria Hebrew Congregation on Shabbat morning, were further privileged to enjoy a wonderful service with a choir on top form, followed by a Kiddush and cholent lunch. 

The new group of bochurim introduced themselves before the community were addressed by the guest speaker, Jack Bloom, caucus leader of the DA’s Gauteng Provincial Legislature. 

He gave a most interesting talk on Jews and their involvement in politics, which was followed by a range of questions and answers. Shabbat ended with a spiritually uplifting musical Havdallah concert, enjoyed by all.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Mordechai

    November 17, 2016 at 3:08 am

    ‘the problem with the Shabbos Project (after running for a number of years) is that it now gives approval to keeping Shabbat once a year ‘

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