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Prize to be won now worth over R20 000





Members of the community are in for a fabulous competition which launches next week (October 22)and which will ensure over R20 000 worth of personalised fitness for the family over a period of six months.

A wide variety of reasons stand between a Jewish family and practising their personal fitness in any formal manner. It is very unusual to see members of an observant family joining running or cycling clubs, for example, or participating in formal competitive events.

For this reason many Jewish families choose to maintain their fitness privately – usually by running, cycling or in a home gym environment.

Yet, training without expert advice leaves one in danger of either doing one’s body damage, or of not optimising the effort one puts into best achieving the desired effect.


With this in mind, Jewish Report Online, together with a number of professionals and organisations specialising in assisting and monitoring personalised fitness programmes, has put together a Family Fitness competition that will allow one lucky family many thousands of rands’ worth of practical assistance from some of the best training and sport-science practitioners in Johannesburg. What’s more, we have tried to ensure that as much of this personal assistance as possible will be home-based and at your convenience.

Don’t miss the launch of Jewish Report’s Family Fitness competition on the website and in our newsletter next week and in our first weekly print edition of the newspaper after the High Holiday break, available on October 22.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Denis Solomons

    October 14, 2015 at 11:38 am

    ‘In this heat one definitely needs motivation to be and stay fit .

    Exercise cause the release of endorphins which creates the \” feel good \” feeling associated with sport .

    Just keeping one’s weight in check is a mission in itself..

    A personalised trainer(s) will help in this quest to keep fit and avoid illness.

    A wonderful prize .

    A shekeach to SAJR  and a good way to prevent aging.’

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