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Prof Derman to head new Sports & Meds Institute




Prof Derman’s appointment as head of the Institute for Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) will develop and strengthen existing inter-faculty links to further research, teaching programmes and service provision across the multidisciplinary team already involved in sport and exercise medicine.

Derman Prof WayneStellenbosch University has a rich and productive history of excellence in sport, sport science and medicine, physiotherapy, nutrition and biokinetics and is a popular national & international hub for elite athlete training.

RIGHT: Professor Wayne Deman, the director of the new Institute for Sport and Exercise Medicine

Prof Derman is a past president of the South African Sports Medicine Association and is Co-director of the IOC research Centre in South Africa.

He has had a long and productive career at the University of Cape Town where he has played an important role in the training of sports physicians, exercise scientists and biokineticists.

Derman’s research has focused on secondary prevention of chronic disease of lifestyle, and injury and illness prevention in athletes especially those with disabilities. 

David Awards - Prof. Wayne Derman, joint winner of Blue Label Telecoms Award for a Considerable Contribution to Sport

Awarded by KDSF, too

Derman has also played an important part in the provision of medical services for many of South Africa’s elite athletes having been chief medical officer of both the South African Olympic and Paralympic teams.

LEFT: Prof Derman was previously recognised by the King David Schools’ Foundation with a David Award for “Considerable Contribution to Sport” and is pictured with his prize


 Derman currently serves on the International Paralympic Committee Medical Commission and represents South Africa on the International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation. 

Hd will take up his new appointment on July 1. 


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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. peter mabitsela

    January 14, 2017 at 9:15 am

    ‘good morning prof derman congrats my name is peter the farher with a disability child i like to request your assistance and your practical involvement in building disability sport indoor and outdoor whereci got 75 hectors to develop the side also include the hostes and skills centre’

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