Letters/Discussion Forums

Progressive Jews by no means ‘second-class’

Rabbi Julia Margolis writes a letter taking exception to a letter by Ali Knight last week My first response to Eli Knight’s letter in last week’s Jewish Report, that Orthodox Judaism is the only true reflection of Jewish religion, is a question to the Jewish Report editorial staff: Journalism 101 requires that you ask for a response from “the other side” so as to encourage a balanced perspective for your readers.




My first response to Eli Knight’s letter in last week’s Jewish Report, that Orthodox Judaism is the only true reflection of Jewish religion, is a question to the Jewish Report editorial staff: Journalism 101 requires that you ask for a response from “the other side” so as to encourage a balanced perspective for your readers.

My colleagues and I have not been graced with such a request, though if our responses are published, that may go some way in a levelling of the playing fields.

RIGHT: Rabbi Julia Margolis

The author sets out his letter from start to finish, from what can only be described as a “holier-than-thou” perspective. First, seeking to demean and then belittle myself and my (Progressive) colleagues, by incorrectly referring to us as “priests” and while offence is intended, none is actually taken.

From our perspective we (human beings) are ALL equal in the eyes of G-d and from a spiritual perspective, none of us are orphaned: we are ALL children of G-d. I look upon a priest with the same respect I do upon a rabbi.

The author then moves on in the same tone by, in essence, referring to all Reform Jews as “second-class citizens”, the “real” or Orthodox Jews being the ones of great depth, the ones who work hard and do not make a mess of this world, etc. 

If the author had the ability to be still for a moment, to turn his gaze inward and contemplate the matter for long enough, he would soon realise that the gist of what he is espousing, is no different at all – in point of fact, is precisely the “thinking” of the Fuhrer – his holier-than-thou perspective of himself and “his people”, relative to all other communities, nations and people existing on the same planet as him. 

In no way, shape or form do I speak from an “anti” perspective; my speaking is done to encourage thought, deep thought – this is the way I was raised as a child and taught as a Reform rabbi.

I lived the vast majority of my life in Jerusalem, served as an officer in the IDF, my mother is a rabbi, her parents and grand parents were killed in the Holocaust. How, I ask you, does the author claim to be “more Jewish” than I am?

Rabbi Julia Margolis
Chairman SA Centre for Religious Equality and Diversity

We have to put the record straight: We gladly publish your response to a letter affecting your religious stream, but for a myriad reasons – also policy – we will not submit copy we intend publishing to third parties beforehand for responses, unless to clarify a point. The fact that we publish your response in this issue means that we are fulfilling our mandate for fair play. Our letters pages are a forum for “diverse opinion” and if letters meet our stringent standards and are not libellous, we will consider publishing them. – Editor

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  1. Ishvara Dhyan

    February 17, 2016 at 9:01 pm

    ‘In the past few years I have been blessed by getting to know Rabbi Julia Margolis. She is a proud Jewess and an asset to our community. South Africa needs more women of this calibre. Strong and determined in a world dominated by men, but graceful like only a true woman can be.’

  2. Adele Gluckman

    February 18, 2016 at 6:53 am

    ‘Kol ha-kavod Rabbi Julia! As far as I know the Kohanim were known as Priests and a Rabbi is a title for a teacher. So you carry on teaching Rabbi for those who know not what they say!!’

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