
Promoting Jeff Shull is a no-no
Ian Hertz, Pretoria
While I don’t wish to condemn him prior to the outcome of the forensic inquiry being instituted by the Union of Orthodox Synagogues (UOS), I certainly do not think it appropriate that you have chosen to give him “koved” and free advertising by promoting his new, non-kosher catering business called Salt and Peppa, as well as his new-found venue – that of “his brother-in-law, the global defence and aerospace mogul Ivor Ichikowitz” (as per your article).
You start the article by informing your readers that Shull’s kosher catering business was forced to shut down “under a cloud of controversy”. Controversy is being extremely kind, considering the seriousness of the allegations being made against him.
You then go on to praise him, saying that it has not stopped him “from doing what he does best: catering for lavish functions”.
I would like to suggest that what Mr Shull has done best over the past number of years is deceive not only the UOS, but all his Jewish customers too, and by extension, the entire SA Jewish community.
I would expect a publication such as yours to, firstly, refrain from giving the tainted owner of Salt and Peppa koved, and secondly, to not give a non-kosher establishment nor its new venue free advertising.
We most certainly did not give him advertising, we simply and honestly told our readers what has happened to the man at the centre of a massive controversy and international investigation into kashrut. – Editor

Dani Kaplan
September 25, 2021 at 10:23 pm
Is it true that Jeff Shull has been put in Cherem (excommunicated)?