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Provide a Zionist home for those against occupation of Palestine



Matan Rosenstrauch

This missive is about representation – or perhaps, misrepresentation?

I speak in my own name. I obviously also do not speak in the name of many South African Jews who, currently, are “transparent people”. They would rather not have their names mentioned, because criticising Israel’s policy and occupation result in being ostracised by the community in general – and we all know people from this community who have paid this price.

So, they kept, and still keep, silent. But this doesn’t mean they have stopped believing.

I also don’t speak in the name of the international Jewish movement SISO (Save Israel Stop the Occupation), because the SAZF has criticised one of its leaders, Alon Liel, the very appreciated former Israeli ambassador to South Africa during apartheid, for likening Israel, beyond the Green Line, to an “apartheid state”, for the enforcement of two different legal systems for Jews and Muslims.

Based on this personalisation and isolation of a single person in order to lay blame on an entire organisation, I would like to ask the SAZF: Do you hold organisations liable for anything said by their members, or leadership? We have heard comments which border on radical racism and often a de facto rejection of the two-state solution.

B’nei Akiva will post a photo in a local Jewish newspaper, taken at their machaneh, showing the channichim making a giant Israeli map which shows no Green Line. Does that mean B’nei Akiva is endorsing a one-state solution? Will they get ejected from the SAZF?

I understand that the apartheid libel is an insult to those who have experienced and lived under the apartheid regime. Hence, we should and will reject the apartheid libel, but not boycott the discussion and the response we owe to those who claim it – or else many South Africans will remain harbouring this distorted and unrealistic image of Israel.

We will not be a branch of SISO, or J Street or Yachad, for we will operate in a South African context. But we will surely collaborate with the Israeli peace camp.

The Fed cannot declare its support for the two-state solution, but avoid saying the unpleasant word “occupation”, which defines an almost normalised, yet very unpleasant, reality. Doing this, without condemning the current politics of Israel, who annex unilaterally more and more land that is supposed to be part of the future Palestinian state, is problematic.

We should condemn undemocratic statements like “I cannot criticise the Israeli government no matter what it does” (a SAZF board member), or else we cannot truly advocate for peace, in the current politics. Does it feel hypocritical only for me? I guess not.

The Fed claims that for the broadest part of the SA Jewish community the red line that exists is against the use of an externally imposed solution on the parties to the conflict. Are South African Jews “external” to this conflict? I believe not.

Let people speak up: Yes to Israel; no to occupation. Now, 50 years after, it’s time for us to act, not to desist due to fear and despair. History will not judge us because we acted on how we see our Israel, according to our Jewish morality and conscience.

Let us Zionist Jews have an ideological home in this community.


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  1. Choni

    November 5, 2016 at 5:14 pm

    ‘This letter should never have been published.

    It is an opinion loaded with lies and distortions of Torah.’

  2. yitzchak

    November 6, 2016 at 4:06 am

    ‘Try Uganda!’

  3. David B

    November 6, 2016 at 9:24 am

    ‘@ Matan –  I am finding it confusing to understand your point , because you don’t seem to be making one, other than further debate

      Are you personally in favour of the two state solution, irrespective of a Jerusalem resolution, and irrespective of a solution to the ‘right of return’ ? – or you simply saying that we should debate it ad infinitum with a so called ‘open mind’?.

    Are you accepting of any one of the major SA Jewish organizations view ? or should we start from scratch once more ?

    From a personal point of view I could never ever accept Israel without the whole of Jerusalem. I would find it impossible as well to accept the open ended ‘right of return’  so where do we go from here -‘eternal debate’  ?


  4. X

    November 6, 2016 at 8:42 pm

    ‘I read your letter in Jewish Report and must tell you that I agree fully with what you wrote and endorse your call for action wholeheartedly.  Right now I am not in a position to write to Jewish report directly or on their website.

  5. Y

    November 6, 2016 at 8:43 pm

    ‘Excellent letter Matan – well done. I hope that you receive a lot more positive feedback.

    Thank you for fighting this just cause.

  6. R

    November 6, 2016 at 8:45 pm

    ‘This is excellent. Truly. It is powerful and controversial. And will call the SAZF out. you don’t need to publish it anywhere else as this gets more readers than anything else. Wow. I look forward to seeing the many letters in response. Prepare for them. This is one of the most honest and provocative pieces I have read in a south African Jewish paper. Kol HaKavod

  7. Greg

    November 10, 2016 at 10:47 am

    ‘Great article. The SAZF board members can and should express their Zionist point of view, but unfortunately they can’t really criticize Israeli practices – their funding will come under threat, hence Zionists like Matan do not have a home in the organisation. Some South African Jews (me included) are crying out for an organisation or movement that caters for the type of Zionist that Matan is: fiercely pro-Israel, but anti-immoral and unethical practices of the current Israeli government, specifically in regards to increasing the settlements and hence increased occupation. We need a movement that is pragmatic in terms of its Zionism and acknowledges that Israel has a right to exist, will not cease to exist and neither should it; and that occupation is ugly, evil and wrong and Israel should have a strategy to end it. Looking forward to such a movement starting.’

  8. Matan

    November 15, 2016 at 6:56 am

    ‘This is for Greg and others who feel like him.
    \n1. I believe we have to try to be affiliated with the ZF. If we support (a) peace and (b) democracy, then there’s no way people would shut us. This is how we define our Zionism. Shouldn’t they too?
    \n2. Please join us – many people feel this way – 
    \nWrite me on
    \nCheers, Matan.’

  9. Choni

    November 16, 2016 at 8:38 am

    ‘Matan, You are obviously not a believer in Torah and Tanach. Your policies are a complete distortion of Torah and will never be accepted in the Jewish state of Israel.

    Bring proof that your polcies will bring peace.

    I can give you many (Torah) sources which show that your policies are suicidal for the state of Israel.

    Choni Davidowitz (0766129112).

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