
Purim’s many parallels with Women’s Day

We have just celebrated Purim, one of the most popular and joyful holidays on the Jewish calendar.




It is considered a mitzvah to be joyful on Purim, because Purim is the historic celebration of the resilience of the Jewish people and a reminder of the heroic story of one woman who forever changed the lives of Jews.

Purim tells the story of Esther, a Jewish woman who had the courage to save her people from Haman’s plot to destroy and annihilate them. With her tremendous leadership and wit, Esther was able to hide her identity and, against all odds, reverse her people´s fate.

Her inspiring story has parallels wherever Women’s Day is celebrated in the Free World, and resonates with the Heroines of the Struggle in South Africa, who were commemorated a week earlier on International Women’s Day.

We salute the power of women who seek better lives for their families and their communities, and at the same time we need to draw attention to the 130 million women who live in countries where they continue to be denied basic human rights, and suffer abuse at the hands of others in their societies.

In today’s world, Jewish communities and individuals all over the world are facing a new and threatening wave of anti-Semitism and hate crimes.

We are witnessing acts we thought can only be found in the history books. And once again, it is us, Jewish women around the world, who serve as a beacon of hope for our communities to unite and come together. 

WIZO plays an important role in this worldwide effort as every member is an ambassador of WIZO and of the State of Israel. Each one of us strengthens our communities and our homes. Each one of us supports and empowers the Jewish people who need us in Israel and around the world.

WIZO women continue with their sacred work for our State of Israel, for our Jewish state which gives every Jew, wherever they may live, the chance to always walk tall and never have to hide their identity. 

Like Esther, the heroine of Purim, WIZO women, must continue with this ancient tradition of protecting and unifying the Jewish people. 

I would also add that on Tuesday, March 21, it is Human Rights Day. WIZO continuously strives to promote human rights; we are proud to be represented at the United Nations in New York, Vienna and Geneva. Of course, our main concern is children’s and women’s rights and we are wholeheartedly committed to protecting their rights and freedoms.


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