
Quick action saves Palestinian baby at border

Israeli MDA paramedics and the IDF saved the life of a Palestinian baby who collapsed at the border crossing between the West Bank and Jordan on Shabbos. The six-month old baby had a pre-existing condition and suffered a heart-attack at the border post.




The family was taking the six-month-old baby with heart problems to Jordan on Saturday morning to receive medical attention when he suffered what is believed to be a heart attack.

Magen David Adom paramedics treated the child until an Israel Defence Forces helicopter evacuated him to Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Centre in Jerusalem.

A representative from the Co-ordinator of Government Activities in the Territories Unit, which coordinates between the IDF and the Palestinian Authority, arranged for members of the baby’s family to enter Israel with him, according to media reports.

1 Comment

  1. Denis Solomons

    December 30, 2014 at 11:41 am

    ‘Do you think that the baby had a congenital heart defect 

    E.g Fallots tetralgia or a hole in the heart ( septal defect ) ; these are common in children with Down’s syndrome .

    It is unusual for a baby of 6 months to have a heart attack .

    Perhaps it was something else ; e,g. asthma !’

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