
Rabbi Berland’s SA road is set to reach its end

Speculation on the imminent extradition to Israel of Rabbi Eliezer Berland, the fugitive Shuvu Banim Breslov sect leader, has reached fever pitch when followers posted on both his website and blog just prior to Shabbos last weekend that the rabbi was returning to Israel, supposedly of his own volition, after three years on the run.




Hawks spokesman Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi, however, told Jewish Report on Wednesday that: “The extradition papers are still sitting with the Department of Justice (awaiting the minister’s signature)”.

Berland is wanted in Israel to face sex charges, yet has evaded police and efforts to arrest him, pending an extradition hearing, for a number of years. But eventually the Hawks nabbed him in early April in South Africa and since then he has been a “guest” at Johannesburg’s notorious “Sun City” prison.

The postings by his followers last week intimated that the rabbi would be on the Saturday evening El Al flight. He wasn’t and this past Wednesday Yeshiva World News reported: “Israeli team arrives in Johannesburg to take custody of Rabbi Berland.” 

This news source, which has not always been overly reliable, said that Rabbi Berland “was supposed to board a plane for Israel earlier this week”, which they say was foiled because “the (SA) Justice Minister did not sign the extradition papers”. 

“Numerous chassidim and his attorney were on the plane,” waiting for him to arrive, says YWN, but he did not.  “In the Shuvu Banim kehilla in Yerushalayim they expect Rabbi Berland will arrive on the next El Al flight from Johannesburg, this Thursday, 25 Iyar” (June 2).

The Hawks’ Mulaudzi told Jewish Report on Wednesday that he was unaware of the arrival of any Israeli delegation in South Africa. He undertook to check with his colleagues at Interpol but believed they would have advised him had anyone been expected. 




1 Comment

  1. Reuel

    June 6, 2016 at 1:05 am

    ‘It is high time that this fugitive be in an Israeli jail. One wonders if the Jewish community could not be more assertive and put pressure on the Justice Minister to get this saga over already and send Berland to Israel at long last. The disciples of Berland are celebrating in their social networks and communiques the inability of the authorities in SA to handle Berland and their \”weakness.\” Every day that passes without a resolution increases the likelihood of mischief by the criminal elements that surround Berland against SA. There is also the issue of the herd of disciples of Berland who follow him from place to place and are now in JHB. They are destitute, have no funds for food and shelter, and are unruly. Most stay here illegally. Berland’s extradition will probably prompt them to leave SA as well – the sooner the better.   ‘

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