The Jewish Report Editorial

Ramaphosa rewriting history



I totally understand that the president of South Africa has chosen a side in Israel’s war for its survival. I guess, somehow, that this is his prerogative as a human being. I, too, have one side I support. The truth is though, as a Jew, I don’t have a choice. Israel is intrinsically linked to me and every other Jew, and the survival of the Jewish state is my survival. Besides, it’s clear from those around us that unless we condemn Israel, which few Jews will ever do, we are lumped together as “genocidal maniacs” or “baby killers”.

I digress. President Cyril Ramaphosa and his party, the African National Congress (ANC), may choose who they support, which they made clear years ago, but they don’t get to rewrite history. That’s not their right, nor their prerogative. History is an absolute.

When Ramaphosa makes a statement to the nation on 7 October, exactly one year after Hamas massacred our people, and negates the occurrence of a violent massacre, that’s unconscionable. How dare he! In his “From the Desk of the President” missive, he literally says, “7 October marks one year since the start of an onslaught against the Palestinians that has thus far claimed 43 000 lives.” He then proceeds to undermine anything that might have happened to Israel to warrant it fighting back, by calling what was a depraved, violent genocidal massacre a simple “attack on Israel”.

Where was our dear president when the horrific videos and images that were sent out with pride and glee by the Hamas operatives themselves showed their brutality, murder, rape, and all the devastation they wrought? Where was he when the world was horrified at what happened? Are Jewish lives irrelevant to him?

Mr President, you have no right to negate what was the worst atrocity in Jewish history since the Holocaust. You don’t get to change the facts of our lives and that of our people.

I so clearly recall when Ramaphosa became president, he told our community how important we were in shaping South Africa. “Members of the Jewish community are to be found, and have excelled, in almost every field of social, scientific, and economic endeavour,” he said. “Though small in number, the South African Jewish community is significant in its influence and capabilities, and in the contribution it has made, and continues to make, to building this nation.”

He went on to say how inextricably linked we were to the rest of the population. He then told us that it was important for the government to engage with Israel on issues in the Middle East. “And where we think incorrect policies are being pursued, we actually need to go and talk to the people and gain access, argue our point, and find consensus.”

So much for that, Mr President. Instead, you negate our suffering and that of our people. I’m not sure what happened to you, but this isn’t acceptable. You are inviting trouble in an already troubled situation. You make out that Israel has no reason to defend itself.

Let me tell you something. If Israel is to survive – which it will – its soldiers have no choice but to stop those who want to destroy us from doing so. It’s as simple as that. Not one Israeli mother wants to send her son or husband to war. Surely you can understand that? Do you honestly, in your heart of hearts, believe that Israel wants a war on seven sides? Do you truly believe that Israelis want to be fighting when they could be living a good life? Do you believe Israelis in the north and south want to be living in little rooms far from their homes because their areas are being bombarded daily by Hezbollah and Hamas, and now Iran?

Mr President, you actually know this community well as many of our business leaders supported your rise and advised you. So, you know well that we aren’t a warring people. We are a people who just want to get on and have decent lives, ensuring that we give the best we can to our children. We aren’t devils! Neither are our brethren in Israel.

But when terrorist organisations, which have taken hold of entire countries, challenge Israel’s right to survive as a country, don’t think that it won’t fight back. It will and it is, but Israel isn’t what the world should be worried about.

Think about what you are doing by negating the devastation of 7 October. Look around you, and think about what your words do.

Perhaps Ramaphosa and the ANC should have spent some time at the October 7 Square in Houghton. On Sunday and Monday, 6 and 7 October, Jewish communal organisations held the most spectacular exhibition which they made – with a great deal of hard work and creativity – to resemble Hostage Square in Tel Aviv. It was the most moving and solemn experience for all who went there. And people poured in from all walks of life, and felt the sadness we are experiencing here and in Israel. They were willing to hear us, not just negate us and what happened in Israel because it didn’t fit their favoured narrative.

There was a Jewish businessman who suggested to his staff, who weren’t Jewish, that they might want to go and see it for themselves. Every single one of them went and did not regret it. And that’s just one of many such beautiful stories.

The one glitch in this commemoration was a horde of aggressive anti-Israel rabble rousers who caused trouble at the square. (See page 3.) What resulted from their hatred was Jews gathering with pride, and singing so loud, the swearing and threats were drowned out. What a proud moment for us!

Strength to our community, which has shown its bravery, camaraderie, and togetherness in this troubling time! May you all be inscribed in the Book of Life!

Shabbat Shalom!

Peta Krost


We will not be publishing for the next two weeks because of the chaggim, but will be back on 31 October.

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