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Rasta KosherWorld incident smacks of set-up



Allan Wolman

And again, compliments to the reporter and cameraman who both just happened to be at that coffee shop when this incident took place; such coincidences are commonplace among investigative journalists…

Or perhaps the reporter and cameraman were simply staking out those premises, expecting such breaking news worthy of front-page exposure? But what a news scoop worthy of yet another front-page story the following day! What journalistic excellence that The Star would devote two consecutive front-page stories together with those subliminal photographs, to such an incident!

Now, while those vigilant reporters were busy staking-out the kosher coffee shop, they missed a violent xenophobic attack two weeks prior at a Rosebank cinema on three young men wearing Jewish skull caps. Quite understandable that violence against Jews wearing their yarmulkes would hardly warrant a mention in that newspaper or if it had, such a report would probably conveniently be tucked away on one of the inside pages.

If one were cynical, could your readers be blamed for suspecting those front-page exposures being a “set-up” by these three aggrieved people, together with the reporter, simply in order to embarrass the Jewish community, two days running, superseding news such as ISIL’s carnage or the bombing of Sanaa in Yemen by Saudi forces killing innocent women and children?


Rosebank, Johannesburg


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  1. Theresia Wysoke

    April 16, 2015 at 3:52 pm

    ‘Definitely a set up!Can’t blame the security guard for being over cautious.Look what happened at the Supermarket in Paris.The 3 Rastas were not physically harmed or subjected to hate speech,as the 3 boys in Rosebank were.And 2 front page headlines!This,together with the disgusting editorial in the Cape Times on the 13th,means that I will not renew my subscription to The Star.’

  2. Denis Solomons

    April 17, 2015 at 9:15 am

    ‘Xenophobic attacks in South Africa are now making headline news on CNN.

    In depth reporting shows looting , robbing, mugging and hijacking in Durban and central Johannesburg .

    This is obviously not good for the country !

    Will there be a spin-off for the Jewish community ?’

  3. abu mamzer

    April 20, 2015 at 5:29 pm

    ‘The Star also omitted to report that moslem boat asylum seekers from Libya,threw the Christian refugees into the sea.’

  4. Anonymous

    May 29, 2015 at 11:21 am

    ‘I don’t deny that the Star has an agenda, but no one can deny that racial profiling is an issue in this community. Just ask any non-white Jew or convert.’

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