
Read the reality behind BDS’ smug front

An embattled BDS – which had supposedly solicited news website The Daily Vox to ensure daily coverage of their Israel Apartheid Week events around the country, found themselves on the whipping edge of an editorial on the site today after they were asked to respond to two posts on the site by supposed supporters Prof Steven Friedman and Minhaj Jeenah. A clearly panicked series of social responses by BDS management, filled with profanity of the worst kind, resulted.




I have published a blog on the atrocious behaviour of the management of the US-based NGO Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (Israel), BDS-SA’s correspondence with their purported media partner in Israel Apartheid Week, the Daily Vox website.

“This is how BDS-SA responded when we offered them the chance to reply to their critics” was the headline of the editor’s piece today. Little wonder, when the article starts off with the words: “It’s ‘f***** malicious’ to publish criticism of BDS-SA.”

An increasingly-embattled BDS – which had supposedly solicited The Daily Vox to ensure daily coverage of their Israel Apartheid Week events around the country, found themselves on the whipping edge of an editorial on the site today after they were asked to respond to two posts on the site by supposed supporters Prof Steven Friedman and Minhaj Jeenah. A clearly panicked series of social responses by BDS management, filled with profanity of the worst kind, resulted.  

Read the series:

1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    March 10, 2016 at 2:00 pm

    ‘And these people are allowed to procreate.

    Can you imagine the fatuous ( imbecilic) offspring?’

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