Letters/Discussion Forums

Redi Tladi’s hypocrisy on Israel knows no bounds

A source I trust told me about 702 Talk Radio chat show host Redi Tladi, berating the leader of the Democratic Alliance, Mmusi Maimane, for visiting Israel.



Sonny Myerson, Cape Town

(I never listen to 702 because of its anti-Israel/anti-Semitic bias). Tladi was interviewing the DA spokesman last week and wanted to know why the DA leader would go on such a visit. She accused Israel of supplying the apartheid regime with weapons to fight the ANC, but omitted to mention the following:

1) France trained the apartheid Special Forces that fought the ANC in Angola (“We fear naught but G-d” by Paul Els). Els was in the regiment. Why did she not mention this?

2) MAN trucks of Germany developed a special vehicle for apartheid forces to use in the Angolan war. Why did she not mention this?

3) Both Saudi Arabia and Iran supplied the apartheid government with all the oil it required. This alone kept the war going for many years. Had there been no oil, the apartheid government could never have survived.

I sent an e-mail to 702 but I’m not holding my breath. It’s high time Jews stopped supporting 702, especially Redi Tladi.


1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    February 2, 2017 at 5:03 pm

    ‘I stopped a year ago because the quality of the hosting dropped substantially, where now, discussions are tedious and many times nonsensical. 

    This may have to do with the intellect of the hosts or their birdbrained approach to matters.’

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