
Reflections in the shadows



The tragedy of 7 October has brought about a very sombre tone to Rosh Hashanah this year. Instead of being a time of renewal and repentance, it has become a time of mourning and a time of reconnection.

The massacre has affected all Jewish communities. The mourning is tangible, and the need for communal mending is imperative. But in the sadness, there has been an amazing sense of togetherness and strength. From the worldwide Jewish communities, the reaction has been truly amazing, with people and organisations reaching out to help, to comfort, to assist the victims. Whether it be through fundraising, volunteer work or solidarity rallies, the support shown has only reaffirmed the strength and unity of the Jewish community.

This New Year, the issue is how to move on in a way that honours the memories of those who passed away, yet, at the same time, respects the growth and renewal that are the basis for the high holy days. The way we have reacted to this tragedy is a testament to a will and unity much greater than myself, something that will be necessary as we move through these times. This is not merely about remembering the past but also using that memory to build a more secure and united future.

These days are a time of introspection, repentance, and renewal. This year, these themes are especially poignant. As we gather for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we do so with a deep sense of both remembrance and purpose. From 7 October we must learn that our strength lies in our unity, and that we can build a world founded in love, justice, and the strength of our resilience.

We must keep on and support one another, and try to improve ourselves, as individuals and as a nation. This is not just remembering those who have died, but also committing to doing things that make people feel safe and united. As we light the yomtov candles, listen to the voice of the shofar, and unite in prayer, we must learn to accept the lessons that this terrible event has taught us and use them to help create a world in which our people continue to flourish.

In this season of reflection and renewal, may we find the strength to move forward, honouring the past while working together to build a brighter and more unified future.

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