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Reforms of the ultra-Orthodox – Part 2





So, now the three Israeli students who were kidnapped and killed, were according to some, a punishment from above, for the new draft law requiring Hareidim to serve in the army[2]. In a similar spirit, Hareidi leader, Rabbi David Zicherman, threatened the Israeli authorities with “suicide squads who will give their lives for the Torah”[3], if they were forced to join the army.

This is the way the religious far-right is beginning to think. I feel compelled to write about this, because many unsuspecting and well-meaning Jews are pressured into supporting, financially and otherwise, institutions aligned to this way of thinking. And the fundraisers forget to tell the whole story.

Recently, Mishpacha magazine[4] described in headlines, what it called the utter financial collapse of the Hareidi world. Hareidi children, it said, are starving and hundreds of marriages cannot take place because there simply is not enough money. Learning institutions have had to close, because donations are just not coming in as much as they used to. Hareidim themselves blame this on Israeli politics, but the fact that many of them choose not to work, is probably the main contributing factor. Many Hareidim believe that it is the duty of everyone else to support them.

It should be pointed out that much of Israeli Hareidi funding comes from American Hareidim, who generally have a different mindset to their Israeli counterparts.  American Hareidim, to a large extent are more open to secular education and many do believe in working for a living. But they too are feeling the financial pinch, and are no longer able to offer as much support as they have till now.

Read Part 1 of REFORMS OF ULTRA-ORTHODOX originally
posted on July 29 – and the accompanying 15 user comments

Pardon my cynicism, but there may be another way to combat this financial crisis. Take a look at the net worth of some of our leading rabbis (in descending order): Rabbi P Abuchatzeira 1.3 billion shekel, Rabbi D Abuchatzeira 750 million shekel, the Gerrer Rebbe 350 million shekel, the Belzer Rebbe 180 million shekel, Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi 100 million shekel, Rabbi Ifergen 90 million shekel, Rabbi Pinto 75 million shekel.[5] 

Mishpacha magazine[6] interviewed social workers from the Hareidi city of Bnei Brak, who reported that ten percent of their teenagers were no longer interested in being religious, and that many others become addicts or even criminals. A new Sefer[7] has had to be published, expounding laws for people who are in prison. Laws for people who break laws.

Coca Cola has Rabbi Landau’s kashrut approval. It ran a campaign where it printed people’s names on the bottle labels. Some Hareidi communities asked Rabbi Landau to put pressure on the beverage company not to distribute bottles with names of women, to their areas. I have seen pictures of bottles of Coke that had the women’s names covered by pieces of paper, before they would use them.

Religious intimidation is a tactic often used by some Hareidi communities. Their leaders published a letter saying that according to Torah authority, or “daat Torah”, a certain Rabbi Rubenstein should be the next mayor of Bnei Brak. Of course this is what happened, and the new mayor got voted in unanimously. Someone, however, filed a criminal complaint, saying this was intimidation because it deprived people of their democratic rights, and was therefore illegal.[8]

The Shas religious party had come up with a clever life insurance policy for kollel students, at a cost of 30 shekel a month. This was opposed by Rabbi Shteinman who said that the “merit of giving charity to widows and orphans is what is saving this generation from destruction[9]”.

Read Rabbi Michal’s popular KOTZK BLOGS

The Toldos Aharon Rebbe said that if one finds a “non-kosher” cell phone on Shabbos, one may destroy it even if it necessitates the desecration of the holy day (and furthermore, there would be no need to pay damages).

The Satmar Rebbe offered to pay 100 dollars to anyone not voting in the Israeli elections. All you had to do, was hand in your identification documents to one of their offices before the elections, and the money was yours.

I have a copy of a decree from a Beth Din in Jerusalem stating that “It Is A Severe Prohibition To Walk In A Public Space With One’s Wife”. It goes on to state that “because of the power of Torah, we know that all problems are caused by husbands walking in the street with their wives”.

The Skverer Chassidim have published a new Chumash for girls that omits the entire portions of Bereishit and Noah. This is because the contents raise too many theological and moral questions. It also censored Lot’s affair with his daughters, the story of Yehudah and Tamar, and the incident between Yosef and Potifer’s wife.

A Hareidi magazine[10] (I call it a Hareidi magazine even though it was banned by other Hareidim[11]), featured a cover story about the Boyaner Rebbe. Yet although going into great detail about his family history, it concealed the fact that the Rebbe’s father and brother were modern Orthodox. His father, Rabbi Brayer is a doctor of psychology, who taught at Yeshiva University, while his brother holds a PhD and works for Nasa. This information was considered too sensitive for its readership.

Rabbi Shalom Cohen, spiritual leader of Shas, published a letter[12], prohibiting women from academic studies, saying “students should not even consider going to learn academic studies in any setting, because this is not the path of Torah”. This raises the interesting question of who will support the family if the husband sits and learns while the wife is not allowed to further her studies.

In December 2010 a ban was issued against listening to the radio, any radio, even those with “kosher” stations[13].

It’s interesting that the Chazon Ish referred to the “Kanaim (fanatics) of Yerushalayim” as incarnations of Jews who lived before the Torah was given, because they were motivated by zealousness and not by Torah.

Rabbi Berel Wein said: “I do not believe that the Torah wished to create an entire society that is unemployable.”[14]

In the Kotzker Rebbe’s view, one who can cross over to the secular world and do productive work is greater than a scholar.

Nonetheless, from the few contemporary examples cited above, it is clear in which direction Hareidism is moving. What will happen to our Yiddishkeit when these voices become even more radical, and when their followers begin to outnumber the mainstream. Hareidim have one of the highest birth rates in the world and, at present, number about 15 per cent of the Israeli population.  However, as much as one-third of children of school-going age, are Hareidim. This means, that soon one third of the population will be Hareidim. What kind of society will we have when such huge numbers of Israelis will not work, will not have qualifications, and will not want to serve in the army?

Not all Hareidim share these radical views, but a significant number do. Are our fundamentalists mapping out a new de facto norm for future Judaism, or has it already been created?

If moderate voices are not heard, speaking out against what is arguably an abuse of “daat Torah”, then they too may be guilty of perpetuating this abuse.

If it’s not already too late.

[1] In this article, the term “Hareidi” refers, for the most part, to the extreme far-right of the religious spectrum.

[2] Yeted Ne’eman June 18 2014

[3] Jewish Press. Com Feb 9 2014

[4] May 2014

[5] According to Channel 2 Israel.

[6] January 2014

[7] Asurei HaMelech by R Mordechai Agasi

[8] Kikar HaShabat April 2013

[9] Mishpacha quoting R Shteinman Nov 2011

[10] Mishpacha April 2013

[11] Yated Ne’eman Dec 30 2011

[12] Kikar HaShabat June 2014-08-10

[13]There may be some uncertainty as to whether this was a repeat of an earlier ban. Some of these bans can be viewed at

[14] Rabbi Wein’s weekly blog Aug 2014

Read Part 1 of REFORMS OF ULTRA-ORTHODOX originally
posted on 29 July – and the accompanying 15 user-comments

Read Rabbi Michal’s popular KOTZK BLOGS

Continue Reading


  1. Stan

    August 13, 2014 at 7:40 pm

    ‘Another fascinating and frightening revelation of the perversion of our religion.  There are so many frightening parallels between these fanatics and their closed minded contemporaries on the other side with their mysogeny and myopic views. ‘

  2. Some One

    August 13, 2014 at 8:47 pm

    ‘Rabbi, is it really fair to use the term \”Hareidi\” to describe every segment of what the secular media call \”the ultra-Orthodox\”?

    I’m no expert, but I imagine that there are probably substantial differences in approach between, for example, Lubavitch Chasidim and the Eidah Hachreidis. Yet the ordinary man in the street would refer to both groups as \”Hareidim\”.

    And isn’t this why one is taught to appoint for oneself a Rov to follow? One of my rebbeim said the first thing you need to ask when looking for a Rov for yourself is \”does the Rov have a Rov?\”

  3. Shmuli Lichtenstien

    August 14, 2014 at 5:26 am

    ‘They are worse than Apikorsim!’

  4. Grant

    August 14, 2014 at 9:21 am

    ‘Interesting that Rabbi Michal always seems to write against religious Jews.

    The other 90% of the Jewish population that are barely recognisable as Jews, he’s not worried about.

  5. James

    August 14, 2014 at 9:53 am

    ‘All Rabbi Michal has done is quote the non-leaders of the Haredi world, who do not represent the views of that world.

    The Chazon Ish was the leader in his generation, and Rabbi Steinamann is today’s Haredi leader, and as quoted, discerned between real love of Hashem and self made fantiscm. 

    But to quote people on the complete periphery like Rabbi David Zicherman, is a joke.

    So this whole article is a mis-representation.

  6. Jonny

    August 14, 2014 at 9:55 am

    ‘Two points:

    Firstly, the ‘leaders’ quoted are not the leaders of the Haredi world, so most of this blog is irrelevant. 

    Secondly, why is the writer mixing Haredi and Chassidic leaders? They are completely different sects. ‘

  7. Shmuli Lichtenstien

    August 14, 2014 at 11:34 am

    ‘Hi Grant.

    Maybe the 90 percent are turned off by the fanatics who should know better because they were raised in Torah.’

  8. Richard H

    August 14, 2014 at 11:57 am

    ‘Isn’t Gavin Michal a teacher at Yeshiva College and the rabbi at the Bal Shem Tov shul – both dependent on donor funds?

    I think it was the Kotzke who said: \”The flaw you find in others, is really the flaw within yourself.\”

    Not a very good student of his, you are. ‘

  9. Dovid T

    August 14, 2014 at 1:47 pm

    ‘My mom has a soft spot for one of these haredi institutions and sends money to them every month. Even though she knows the fund raiser personally and he obviously knows she is a woman they refuse to acknowledge that and  refer to her as Mr Ingrid in the receipt … can try pick as many holes as you like in this article. The fact is it was taken from haredi  sources quoting about themselves and we all know that these and other similar incidents are occurring in the haredi community, let alone all the allegations of abuse that are coming to the fore of late. ‘

  10. TOVA

    August 14, 2014 at 2:05 pm

    ‘Richard,  if you knew Rabbi Michal  you would know that he supports  himself and unlike other Rabbis in town he does not beg and sell his soul and dignity for the sake of collecting money. We all know which Rabbis in this town  will sink to such lows in order to collect funds. And how is that an intellectual response to this argument  anyway…. ‘

  11. Menachem

    August 14, 2014 at 2:25 pm

    ‘Hi….I am fully observant and I thank and praise Rabbi Michal. Most Rabbis stick to the same old safe vorts and do not venture to tackle the unfortunate issues that have snuck into some frum communities. These actions of some \”frum\” Jews mentioned above by Rabbi Michal have no source in Torah and are ridiculous stringency distorting our beautiful religion.’

  12. Yossi

    August 14, 2014 at 2:31 pm

    ‘Rabbi Michal always calls for a TRUE torah observance  and is not afraid to comment on the chilul Hashem that is caused by some Haredi Jews.

    Grant, I feel that he does not need to comment on the \”secular\” Jews because while they are not acting in line with the Torah, at least they are honest and do not claim to be acting in the name of Hashem. A bigger problem is caused by those dressed as if they are angels sent down from heaven, who act with indignity. ‘

  13. Aharon

    August 14, 2014 at 2:35 pm

    ‘Well done Rabbi Michal! Another great article! I love the way you say what everyone else wants to say but is to scared to. ‘

  14. Alan

    August 14, 2014 at 3:51 pm

    ‘Dear James.

    Please dont refer to non-leaders and real leaders when it comes to charedim. Every follower thinks his rov is greatest leader like you think R Shteinman is. Our own followers of R Berland here in SA think he is greater than your R Shteinman.  Hareidim do not and never have or will speak with one voice. But sadly the fanaticism of their teachings is the only place where they find common ground.’

  15. Stan

    August 14, 2014 at 7:20 pm

    ‘Dear Jonny. Read the article again. The writer was showing how elements of fanaticism is creeping into Judaism. He used examples from Charedi sources themselves. By bringing in Hasidiche and Litvishe extremists just shows how fundamentalism reaches across the board. 

    Anyway the writer seems to have been careful in constantly using the term ‘some’Charedim’ so as not to indict the others.’

  16. Ann

    August 14, 2014 at 7:28 pm

    ‘Richard. Gavin is not dependent on donors for handouts . His Shul is financed by subscriptions and not donations.  He works for Every cent and has ingenuity and intellect   So different for most of the parasites and layabouts. ‘

  17. ilan

    August 15, 2014 at 11:46 am

    ‘I have spent my whole life in institutions of Torah learning across the spectrum and have not heard anyone speak like this before

    This article wreaks of sinas chinam!

    perhaps make a seder in Sefer Chafetz Chaim read in the introduction about how the din after 120 yrs will be based on WORDS we speak in this world 

    This article just incites baseless hatred and has no other purpose !



  18. Jackie

    August 17, 2014 at 7:30 am

    ‘Another useless article.

    Every source brought is from the internet/magazines, indicating Michal’s great ability to use Google.

    But that is unlikely to be a real reflection of Haredim on the ground.

    Even quoting Rabbi Wein is ridiculous – all his children and grandchildren are Haredi…and I’m quite sure that aren’t the crazy fanatics misrepresenting the general community.


  19. Robbie

    August 17, 2014 at 7:34 am

    ‘It just seems Gavin has an agenda here – why doesn’t he write an article about all the good Haredim do?Hatzola has literally saved lives, and was started and is run by Haredim. Yad LeAchim,  Ohr Sameach, Aish HaTorah have done Kiruv wih thousands of Jews throughout the world. Yad Sara & Yad Ezra do Chesed with thousands of poor secular Jews in Israel, and is funded by Charedi businessmen. 

    You’ll always find the bad in any person if you look hard enough, because people and communities aren’t perfect.’

  20. Jason

    August 17, 2014 at 7:40 am

    ‘To answer Grants question:

    It disturbs one’s conscience when people achieve more than you do. So too, Gavin has tried to find flaws within the Haredi community to make himself feel better about his mediocrity. 

    I’ve found Haredim to be caring and special people.

    The fact that not one word of actual Torah was brought in this article, reflects that he has no interest in Hashem or Judaism. Its about putting others down, to make oneself feel better. And you don’t need to be too religious to work that out. ‘

  21. Joshua Grigst

    August 17, 2014 at 11:01 am

    ‘Hey you hot-heads, read everything – not just what suits you.
    \nRabbi Michal says pointedly that: “Not all Hareidim share these radical views, but a significant number do. Are our fundamentalists mapping out a new de facto norm for future Judaism, or has it already been created?”

  22. Nathan (O) G

    August 17, 2014 at 2:35 pm

    ‘Loss of emet/emes, and re-establishing it:

    1. Often community leaders, especially salaried

    employees such as the rabbi, cannot speak freely from their pulpits, and are ‘forced’

    to toe the line to keep their jobs. This leads to loss of emet/emes (truth) and is tantamount to lying.

    2.  In addition, (and in context) to get to emet/emes,

    ALL movements (including Hareidism, Orthodox, etc.), and their often-hidden philosophical constructs upon which they are based, must be looked at. Failure to look at all movements would be nothing less an exercise with a skewed and dangerous agenda.

    Lying is antithetical to Hashem’s vision and emet/emes be constantly and vigorously pursued. All topics/subjects, including the often ‘unpleasant’ issues in Judaism – which many of us would rather ignore and/or avoid need to be investigated; (see (Breishit 18:17) where Hashem says: \”Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing\”?)

    Blind, unquestioning, and inconsiderate behaviour is unJewish. Independent, strong-willed people need to stand up and speak out, as Avraham did when he argued with Hashem to save Sodom, (Breishit 18:16-22).

    Rabbi Michal also stands on the shoulders of the Kotzker

    Rebbe who, in his day, often stood alone against the shallow, conformist, popularisms of his day.

    Let us face censorship, half-truths and untruths, wherever they may be, and chase truth, the full, complete truth with strong hearts, minds and

    hands so that we will be for Hashem, a Kingdom of Priests and a holy people (Exodus 19:6).’

  23. yishai

    August 18, 2014 at 5:37 am

    ‘Awesome… This man speaks the truth. I guess some people can’t handle the truth.’

  24. Yechezkiel

    August 18, 2014 at 6:24 am

    Finally a Rabbi who speaks his mind and is not shackled and censored by donors, boards and committees. Everything written is factual so I don’t know why some people are getting upset with the Rabbi for stating facts. Being upset that the Rabbi quoted magazines is also utterly ridiculous and only supports what the Rabbi is saying. Real ancient Torah sources are truth and views stated therein are holy…however when you read about how some so called holy observant Jews have distorted our beautiful religion in this day and age (which wont be found in ancient texts…obviously!)…you are left perplexed and baffled? Jews should question and continually seek the truth….We should ask ourselves.. Do these enactments stem from our beautiful Torah or are they misguided teachings from misguided leaders in misguided times?’

  25. Yehuda Z

    August 18, 2014 at 6:31 am

    ‘Ilan, Jackie, Robbie and Jason…I believe that you are one person signed in under 4 different names.

    I always try be optimistic. So in this case I hope that there are not actually 4 individuals reading this article with the same senseless, unintelligent and hateful opinion. Please tell me that it cant be so? Or are you 4 people from the same communities, who naturally dont have (and probably not allowed) differing opinions?

  26. truthbseeker

    August 18, 2014 at 7:10 am

    ‘Dear Robbie

    Since hatzola and ohr somach do not have suicide squads and since the chareidi business man you refer to works, then it seems clear to me that they are not the type of people the article refers to.’

  27. Shaul

    August 18, 2014 at 7:58 am

    ‘This article is full of adjectives like EXTREME FAR RIGHT etc. Its so blatantly clear that it is not referring to our mainstream organizations. Do they threaten suicide squads or ban walking with your wife? Obviously not. Obviously that is who the writer is referring to. How many more adjectives does he need to use? – This is why its important to have education.’

  28. Jed

    August 18, 2014 at 8:00 am

    ‘Like it! Like it a lot!!’

  29. J. Sher

    August 18, 2014 at 8:11 am

    ‘Ilan, I did not pick up any hatred in this article. On the other hand, apart from a bit of arrogance, your comments wreaked of hatred!

    Now I am sure you are a nice guy and have much better middos than those who have not \”spent their whole life in institutions of Torah learning across the spectrum\” but show some respect. If this article hurt you so much, discuss it with your wife once she is able to cross onto your side of the street. I am fully orthodox and live a torah life, yet I wasn’t offended by this article. It made me check myself and think whether I am living a life in full accordance with the divine will or have I added unnecessary extras that take away from my Judaism.  


  30. FRUM GUY

    August 18, 2014 at 10:50 am

    ‘Well said!!! Great writing once again.’

  31. A.G

    August 18, 2014 at 10:55 am

    ‘Jackie, I assume you are female? Quite ironic that the exact people you are trying to defend would not  have even allowed you to go on the internet? or to get the education to know how to spell? 


  32. Alan

    August 18, 2014 at 6:34 pm

    ‘Can someone please explain to me how some of these rabbis got to be worth billions and millions of shekels? Its not like they are cattle ranchers or something that could legitimately explain how they got to earn SO much money. I hear even R Berland is a fair contender in this regard. Why dont they help their own?’

  33. Gabi

    September 4, 2014 at 7:00 pm

    ‘The following letter to the editor appeared in last weeks edition of Hamodia:

    \”As subscribers to your important newspaper, Hamodia, the newspaper of Charedi Jewry, I was very surprised to see time after time during the military operation the words, \”our forces\” …It is important to point out that we never relied on or put our trust in flesh and blood and our true forces are — only Torah learning and the students who learn Torah\”.’

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