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Regarding Donald Trump: Welcome to ‘freedom to de-press’

At the onset of the American presidential term of Donald Trump, I feel it is fitting that a real Jewish perspective be voiced, as opposed to what until now has been the standard practice within our community, through the SA Jewish Report among others, of slavishly following the liberal-left in serving up standard slanders and platitudes against the new president.



Rabbi Ben Isaacson, Johannesburg

Perhaps never before in the history of democracy have we witnessed so sustained and vicious a media campaign as has been directed at Trump, by such vehicles as CNN, the Washington Post, New York Times and, of course, our own South African media. All this is done in the name of freedom of the press – which in truth should properly be called freedom to de-press.

In South Africa, we are compelled to continually witness a journalistic travesty, extending even to the concoction of sordid tales concerning Trump’s private life extending back 30 years or more.

Who paid for all of this? Was it the well-oiled Democratic Party election campaign machine, or perhaps that pathetic anti-Israel candidate Bernie Sanders? I say “pathetic” in view of how, following a 10-minute meeting with Barack Obama (another Israel hater), he and the Democratic Party moved towards favouring a lessening of ties between the US and Israel.

As for Hillary Clinton, it was noteworthy that in the last year of her campaign, she signally failed to mention Israel at all.

Of course the Trump-hating CNN politburo, headed by Comrade Wolf Bitzer and the black-Muslim coalition, has never had anything positive to say about Israel.  

Trump, by contrast, did so – many times. “I will always protect Israel”, he said, while further pledging to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

He rejected the UN Security Council resolution on settlements, has appointed an Orthodox Jew as US ambassador to Israel and, no doubt, will continue on such paths, this despite the sheer obtuseness of American Jews voting by a substantial majority for “That Woman”.

Hopefully, the new president and the superb team he has chosen to lead the country, will thoroughly silence the defeated liberal-leftists over the next eight years.

I wish his family (including his daughter, a convert to Orthodox Judaism) a blessed future as they help their father in his quest to “Make America great again”.


  1. nat cheiman

    January 21, 2017 at 7:55 am

    ‘Perfectly articulated. In many instances, in America, SA, and even in Israel, the Jews are their own worst enemy.

    The liberals the world over, are the new \”nazis \” and if that term is too audacious, then they are the new anti- Semites.

    People like Norman Finkelstein & Haaretz media are against the the state of Israel. ‘

  2. Greg

    January 26, 2017 at 11:56 am

    ‘This is what disgusts me, when some of my fellow Jews can excuse every single immoral thing about a person if they are powerful and support Israel. You can be a bigot, but that’s OK because you are good for Israel. How can we as Jews be a \”Light unto the nations\” if we support and accept the support of people who are definitely not righteous, moral and ethical. By the way, I support the state and people of Israel and am a Zionist.’

  3. David B

    January 27, 2017 at 3:57 am

    ‘What can I say Greg – – if you want to call us bigots ? go ahead in good health  ‘

  4. Errol Horwitz

    February 1, 2017 at 10:40 am

    ‘Isaacson believes Trump and his \”superb team\” are the best thing since sliced bread.  Yes, certainly as far as Israel is concerned.  But to his angry white supporters Israel plays no part in their daily lives. Their world view ends at the borders of their respective states. With the passage of time the love affair between Trump and his supporters will evaporate.  Trump’s narcissistic, sociopathic and egocentric personality will converge to shore up his popularity. Israel’s wellbeing will be a distant memory in his narrow scheme of things.  Trump is a flash in the pan.  Israel would do better by aligning itself with the grown-ups of the Democratic and Republican Party, even if some are \”liberal-leftists\”.  ‘

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