Relax. Don’t panic. Enjoy your Shabbos as always
The following notice was issued by CSO to its internal membership:
“CSO Notice. A motorcade in support of Gaza is scheduled to take place on Saturday the 26th of July from midday to early evening. There is a possibility that the motorcade will drive through Jewish areas,” read the notice – continuing… “There is no information at this time to suggest violence however should you identify a convoy of cars and motorbikes please contact the control room on 086 18 000 18.”
Community add-ons
The message was leaked to some members of the community who quickly saw to it that it went viral on social media – but with add-ons such as the following seen by SAJR: “Don’t go to Shul tomorrow,” and “Stay indoors tomorrow.”
CSO has also been inundated with calls today and has asked SAJR Online to post the following message:
“CSO Notice. It has come to our attention that someone added to our security notice that people should not go out on Shabbos. This is not our advice. We encourage all community members to enjoy Shabbos as always, yet be vigilant and report anything suspicious to 086 18 000 18 immediately.”
“Call in any security or medical emergency, suspicious activity or potential threats to the combined CSO/GAP/CAP control room number at 086 180-0018.
EDITOR’S ADVICE: Remember the following and drum this into the heads of your friends and families:
Remember the number as
July 26, 2014 at 10:12 pm
‘im do work at the chevra can we donate blood for your red corse ‘