Letters/Discussion Forums

Rentals in Glenhazel are outrageous!

Browsing through regular posts on various classified forums, I think it’s an absolute chutzpah what some of the advertisers are charging for rent. More than R5,000 for a one-bedroom is absolutely shocking and ridiculous. Even R5,000 is pushing it for a lot of the places I have seen.



Eli Eve

People like these are the reason Glenhazel has such a high market value for such small (and usually terribly maintained) little places – that’s not even getting started on the sale price of houses.

We are all meant to be loving and caring for each other, not ripping each other off. If everyone is just fair, maybe more young Jewish people will be able to afford living here.

This is my two cents’ worth. But I know I’m not the only one thinking or feeling this way!


Glenhazel, Johannesburg

1 Comment

  1. David

    April 22, 2015 at 10:47 pm

    ‘The market will always dictate the price via demand and ability to pay.’

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