Response to Broomberg vicious and disproportionate
I hesitantly write as a principal of a school reluctant to perpetuate the Josh Broomberg debate. However, I do want to express my concern and disgust. I think the response to a young person has been particularly vicious and disproportionate.
Dr Mark Potterton
I am really worried what this kind of debate might do to a person, a very thoughtful young person, and his own perception of “community”.
I always imagined that the founders of the King David Schools would have encouraged a variety of views on issues based on conscience. I recall that these schools were established to accommodate a spectrum of Jewish thought.
I don’t want to discuss the ethics of war, but one of the main messages of Broomberg’s detractors is that his action brought into question the entire State of Israel. His own response clearly stated that he did not question the right of the nation of Israel to exist.
If I compare his views to my own, for example, on how Osama bin-Laden was captured and assassinated: I strongly believe that his hasty execution was wrong and that the United States’ forces acted entirely unjustly. However, my stance does not question the entire US establishment.
Josh was at primary school with my own daughter, and I can only imagine what the response of some in the Jewish community to a young person would have done to her. I truly hope that Joshua will be a mensch and live up to his namesake, who in biblical thought is regarded as a faithful, humble, deserving, wise man.
Victory Park, Johannesburg
Jonathan Kaplan
August 27, 2014 at 8:26 pm
‘I agree with your sentiment, after all we pride ourselves on being members of a religion that promotes the virtue of debate ‘
August 28, 2014 at 9:34 am
‘The biblical Joshuah was given the command to banish all the Ishmaelites from Israel. (Num.33;50-55).
\nPity that ‘your’ Joshuah wants to give them their own state.
\nNo amount of disgust can be expressed against someone like Josh who supports an adversary [comment removed as we do not have knowledge of his support for Hamas – please substantiate and we will reconsider -ED].
August 29, 2014 at 7:55 am
‘So wearing an arab scarf, and a Palestinian badge during a war (against Hamas) is not showing support for hamas?
\nCome on Mr. Editor, print the rest of my comment.
\nWhen millions of Germans wore swastikas on their sleeves, who were they showing support for – the Jews?
We most certainly will not publish your illegal statements! When you refer to a sub-group like Hamas who have a constitution that states something, you are allowed to say so. But when you apply that which belongs to Hamas to all Palestinians, Arabs or Muslims, it becomes hate speech, under both SA and Israeli law.
Are you suggesting we allow you to use illegal hate speech on this website? For which both you and we could be criminally charged? Do you think we should allow anti-Israel commentators to make statements against all Jews? Would you support our allowing anti-Semitic comments on this website?
Over many years now this has been pointed out to you. You can try as you might, but neither your attempts, nor those of others, to illegally enjoin complete races or religions to the madness of the few will be allowed. We cannot and will not do it. We support the anti-Hate-speech laws as a matter of course. We agree with them. They protect Jews from anti-Semites and stop you creating chaos for Jews. One wonders what other users think. Have your say… –online.editor@sajr.co.za
nat cheiman
August 29, 2014 at 3:25 pm
‘The boy is entitled to his opinion but when it conflicts with the sensitivity of being jewish,
\nespecially in a jew/muslim conflict, he should rather keep his opinion to himself rather than offend fellow jews, which in fact he has done. Again,the word\” disproportionate \” is used. Why should every response be proportionate?’