Rethink accepting non-Jews into fold

Our leadership’s adopted the strategy of communist regimes & dictatorships with gusto… using censorship to control the way we think writes Yossi Bogacz



Yossi Bogacz

Jews must rethink accepting
non-Jews into their fold

Yossi Bogacz of Highlands North, Johannesburg, writes:

Communist regimes, as well as all other dictatorships, always use censorship to control the way people think. Our local Jewish community leaders also adopted that strategy with gusto… Differing ideas are seldom published or given a platform. 

They also speak loudly about democracy while they themselves are clearly anti-democratic. There are never elections for the Jewish Board of Deputies. Avrom Krengel is the head of the SA Zionist Federation, apparently “for life”. Ub bubkucak tunes we kist 80 per cent of our people, 10 tribes out of 12.  We are now losing again another 80 per cent, this time through assimilation. 

Instead of gain non-Jewish partners, we lose our own people. We should try to reverse that process by getting away with conversions to Judaism altogether. We should accept the non-Jewish partners practically without conditions.

The aliyah from Russia brought with it many non-Jews and they became a blessing. We should make a bigger effort about Zionism now.

We are deeply hated almost all over the world as a consequence of our attitude and religion. The ostrich approach will not solve anything.

If I could, I would send the religious Jews to a gulag for a couple of years to be re-educated. There is never a public debate on religion because the religious people are not interested at all. They seem to be fanatics, all of them! Personally, I have no respect nor esteem for anyone who is not prepared to defend his own convictions.

I assume that all those who assimilate, are not particularly proud of being Jewish… We produced a lot of bright individuals besides all the pitiful ones, but as a nation, I am afraid that we are a colossal failure, judging by the terrible tragedies we suffered all along our history.



    February 3, 2014 at 2:45 pm

    Assimilation is one thing but also remember the outlook of our \”frum\” bretheren who are adamant that anyone other than an ‘Orthodox\” Jew –i.e. Reform, Conservative etc in the USA or anywhere else is NOT Jewish–so by driving these good people–some of whom know more about Judaism and are very observant–away, makes us the Architects of our own misfortune.

    What about the books handed out at Shuls over Pesach which tell us 1. Which pet foods are kosher le pesach OK to feeds your dog with which brand and which not. Same applies to medicines eg you can take \”Lipitor\” but not \”Crestor\”–so must I tell my Jewish Cardiologist that I’d rather listen to the Beth Din than to him?? WHAT RUBBISH–why should I listen to a bunch of control freaks anyway. With regard to a death in a family and what to do about a simcha following shortly after -3 Rabbis have 3 different opinions So where are we going with all this except for looking stupid ‘


    February 3, 2014 at 2:47 pm


    Hey, Hilton, slow down, count to ten…. I’m sure you understand the need for a Jewish website to moderate comments. You posted a comment at 4.45 which was released at 4.48 – a three-minute turn-around time. That was actually lucky, it usually takes a bit longer.


    At 4.47, you posted this. What’s up??


    Ant Katz
    PS – thanks for taking the trouble to comment


  3. anon/Israeli

    February 4, 2014 at 8:08 am

    The only truth in this article is the last paragraph, but only partly. Yes the Diaspora is finished, At the rate of 100000 per year assimilating the Jewish people in the Diaspora are fast disappearing.

    However, as a nation, there is no stopping Israel from becoming the permanent, eternal Home of the Jewish people. This is how Hashem wanted it, and after nearly 2000 years of exile the Final Redemption is well on its way. Baruch Hashem the only conversions which will be Halachically accepted will be done in Israel There will not be a Diaspora at all. 


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