Right of any Jew to show solidarity with Israel
After seeing publicity about a proposed “motorcade” of the “Buraq Riders” planning to drive through the northern suburbs of Johannesburg, it was clear that these Muslim bikers intended to drive through the traditionally Jewish suburbs of Johannesburg on Shabbat, when many Jews usually are strolling the streets with their families after attending shul.
Mike Fisher is the chair of the Joburg branch of LIKUD SA
I and a number of other Jewish activists, decided to show our presence and be highly visible with Israeli flags, to get the message across that Jews would not be intimidated, nor cower behind locked doors.
RIGHT: Mike Fisher proudly displays his flag and waits for the motorcade that never came
As it turned out, the “motorcade” of, reportedly a couple of hundred vehicles, never got to Glenhazel, but did drive through suburbs such as Hyde Park, Oaklands and Waverley.
We were instructed by the CSO to leave, as the group came closer. We left and returneda few minutes later to our spot, with flags.
During this time, one of the community members, perhaps walking home from shul or a family meal, confronted us, asking why were flying an Israeli flag, stating that he saw this as an attempt to provoke the group into violence.
I explained that if anybody was provoking anybody, it was the riders riding through Jewish suburbs, especially on Shabbat. I further asked the gentleman why he thought we should not display our pride in standing with Israel. He replied that this was provocative.
At that moment, another very religious family walked past in frum garb. I pointed them out to him and asked him if he didn’t think that they would view (the bikers) as just as provocative? He responded that that was a symbol of Judaism, not Israel.
I asked him if he really thought there was a difference and proclaimed that anti-Israel activities were just another form of anti-Semitism.
I asked him what he thought Menachem Begin would have preferred us to do and he conceded.
I must stress that all through the time we stood there, numerous cars passed, hooting in support and giving us the thumbs-up sign. Also, a group of passing “Breslevs” cheered us on with “Am Yisrael Chai”.
July 29, 2014 at 8:18 am