
Rolene’s powerful piece: “We Remember Them”

SAJR Online’s Israeli correspondent ROLENE MARKS posts a moving blog on Yom Hashoa




Posted on April 27, 2014

Tonight we begin to commemorate Yom Hashoa, Holocaust – Martyrs and Heroes Memorial Day. Every year I feel the weight of this day on my soul. I welcome it, I am appreciative of it and it serves as a reminder that I have taken that most solemn vow – NEVER AGAIN.

This year, the weight seems to be heavier. I don’t know if it is because we are running out of precious time to gather as many stories from survivors as we can or if the younger generation just isn’t as connected as we are.

I do know that this year it weighs heavier on my heart because I see the tides of anti-Semitism rising. Europe is especially worrisome. 

Acts of violence against Jewish individuals and the shift in realpolitik to the right is extremely alarming. 

I write this in gratitude that I am safe and protected in our beloved State of Israel.

We set aside one day a year to read the names of the martyred, to participate in ceremonies around the world, to stop for the siren that screams its mournful cry all over our beautiful land.

Let us not wait for one day in the year to remember them. While Yom Hashoa is a sacred day, I urge everyone to take up the mantle of remembrance every day. Today’s social media platforms make it possible for us all to continue educating, disseminating the truth and educating future generations who speak a new language – hashtag.

  • It is vital that we remember them
  • In the hateful quenelle salute – we remember them.
  • In the calls to boycott, divest and sanction Israel – we remember them.
  • On the train where “next stop Auschwitz” traumatized travellers on their daily commute – we remember them.
  • In the rallies where screams of “Jews do not belong here” – we remember them.
  • In the defacing of graves and holy places – we remember them.
  • In the unmarked graves that are all over Europe – we remember them.
  • In the firebombing of the synagogues – we remember them.
  • In the calls to register our property or risk being expelled – we remember them.
  • In the biased, vitriolic media broadcasts – we remember them.
  • In the attacks on individuals – we remember them.
  • In the shootings in community centres – we remember them.
  • In the flagrant denial of our lost 6 million – we remember them.
  • In the loss of lives to terror attacks – we remember them.
  • In the lighting of memorial candles – we remember them.
  • In the lowering of our flag – we remember them.
  • In the mournful cry of the siren – we remember them.


  • In the birth of new generations – we remember them.
  • In the celebration of our homecoming from exile – we remember them.
  • In the singing of Hatikvah – we remember them.
  • In the greening and building of our start up nation – we remember them.
  • In our defence of our country – we remember them.
  • In the teaching of the next generation – we remember them.
  • In our unabashed, joyful, defiant celebration of life – we remember them.
  • In our cries of Am Yisrael Chai! (The people of Israel live) – we remember them.
  • In our vow NEVER AGAIN – We remember them.


1 Comment

  1. Israeli

    April 30, 2014 at 7:54 am

    Rolene, Why don’t you come straight out, and tell our young Jewish S.Africans to follow your path of Aliyah?

    Words and poems are of no use. Action is needed.

    You are indeed safe and protected in your own Land, as are your children and millions of other Israelis.

    \”Never again\” can certainly happen again, but never in Israel.

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