
Rosabelle Klein’s grade Rs graduate with aplomb

There was not a dry eye in the room when Rosabelle Klein’s beloved, mature and self-assured grade Rs last week received their graduation caps and gowns and walked off proudly to a very new and exciting chapter in their young lives.




They have acquitted themselves very well this year, growing into responsible menschen of whom the school are very proud. Their graduation ceremony was a moving tribute to them and all they have learned under the capable eye of class teacher Lisa Klaff.

“Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to great places! You’re off and away! You’ll move mountains!”
Rosabelle Klein will miss them all.

Pictured is the grade R class. Back: Lisa Klaff (teacher); Jack Senior; Aaron Pantanowitz; David Zwarenstein; and Camden Lewis. Front: Ricky Kur; Joseph Human; Isabella Cohen; Franki Block; and Sam Ellert.


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