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SA bucks global trend of antisemitism



In spite of an alarming global increase in antisemitism, South Africa appears to have settled since the initial stages of the war in Gaza, which resulted in a dramatic and concerning rise in incidents.

Although the situation here is far from ideal, it contrasts with the disturbing cases of antisemitism, often violent, that continue to surface daily in many parts of the world.

“Since March, things have stabilised to the point where we can say we’re back to ‘normal’,” said David Saks, the associate director of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD).

“This after reaching unprecedentedly high levels of antisemitism in the two months immediately following the 7 October attacks and over the ensuing three months still continuing to manifest at a much higher level than in previous years,” Saks said.

It’s possibly in part because of the recent South African national elections and its aftermath, which may have distracted from the Middle East, he said.

The number of incidents of direct antisemitic behaviour that have reached the Board’s attention over this period has been more or less the same as previous years, he said.

“Reported incidents of late have also been less serious, generally being in the form of verbal insults or hate messages posted on community members’ social media sites,” Saks said.

Over the past three months, there have been no reported incidents of physical attacks such as assault and vandalism.

“Relative to our counterparts abroad, South African Jewry actually has things quite easy,” said Saks.

“For some time, tension in the Middle East has led to increases in antisemitic attacks, particularly in Europe and more recently in the United States,” said Marina Rosenberg, the senior vice-president of international affairs at of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a global leader in fighting antisemitism, “However, we’ve not experienced anything like the tsunami of anti-Jewish hate unleashed worldwide following the Hamas atrocities of 7 October.

“There has been a disturbing normalisation of antisemitism on a global scale, spanning across the extreme right and left. The sheer number of incidents indicates that this issue can no longer be dismissed as negligible or fringe,” she told the SA Jewish Report.

“South African Jews live in a paradoxical space,” said Karen Milner, the national chairperson of the SAJBD. “In recent months, the government has shown extreme hostility towards Israel, making South African Jews feel very uncomfortable and disappointed. However, we haven’t experienced high levels of antisemitism on the ground.”

She experienced the exact opposite on a recent trip to the United States to attend an American Jewish Committee conference, where she and her colleagues found themselves caught up in an anti-Israel, and anti-Joe Biden protest outside the White House in Washington. D.C.

“We experienced the most vicious anti-Israel, antisemitic, massive protest outside the White House. The level of hostility and aggression was disturbing,” she said.

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