Letters/Discussion Forums

SA can’t be credible partner in Mideast talks

I would like to know if Howard Sackstein still believes South Africa should host Spier 2.



Sonny Myerson

What with the South African government giving official recognition to the terrorist Leila Khaled, does he really believe South Africa can be a credible partner/arbitrator in talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority?

All I can say to you, Mr Sackstein, is if you were my lawyer and recommended to me to enter into negotiations with my enemy and the negotiations were to be chaired/arbitrated by my enemy’s best friend, I would have fired you as my attorney, on the spot!

Oranjezicht, Cape Town


  1. david

    February 20, 2015 at 3:12 am

    ‘From the point of view of a \”devils advocate\”  although I am unquestionably on Israel’s side and will always be   —  I have to ask the question  —   can the Palestinians ever accept the US being a negotiator or facilitator either ?  Is there a difference other than the side we are on  ? ?’

  2. Chonie

    February 20, 2015 at 9:16 am

    ‘Great letter Sonny. Sackstein should also be ‘fired’ from the Board of Directors of the Jewish Report.

    He is in the same league as Joshuah Broomberg.’

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