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Letters/Discussion Forums

SA Jewish Report should focus on the positive rather than the negative



Darren Bergman, Johannesburg

I would have been far prouder to have the story on Hacjivah Dayimani wanting a new yarmulke for his birthday rather than a sensational story on a doctor. I would rather not read the sad tales of woe in the financial affairs of the Jewish Board of Deputies as opposed to some of the noteworthy achievements of that week.

We know from rumblings in public gatherings that ammunition like this feed the bellies of our enemies. I am not saying do not have the stories, but I am lobbying for our community newspaper, that is read well beyond our own community, to be a source of pride and showcase the wonderful stories of Jewish people contributing to the betterment of this country and beyond.

Where we need to report on some of the few blemishes, we should do so with a sense of disappointment rather than come across as if we have some hot, juicy exclusive. This is not a tabloid, it is a family friendly newspaper and I hope that we instil that sensitivity to all that contribute to making what has been a wonderful highlight to my week for many years.

We live in hope.



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1 Comment

  1. David B

    October 23, 2017 at 12:02 pm

    ‘Do we really want our troublesome and bad, news to be ‘edited out’ just because sometimes it shows members of our community as being unpleasant as well as criminal in some instances?  Or do we want a mix of the truth covering good, heartwarming, and unpleasant as well ?

    Do we really believe that censoring the news will make us feel better ? or in fact make the newspaper more palatable and worthwhile?  

      My reaction is definitely NO .’

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