
SA Zionist Fed issues 2nd Mandela statement

It is with great sadness that we record the death of (the) revered ‘tata’ of the SA nation. In “Long Walk to Freedom” (Madiba) wrote, “I read “The Revolt” by Menachem Begin and was encouraged by the fact that the Israeli leader had led a guerrilla force in a country with neither mountains nor forests, a situation similar to our own.”

May Hashem take care of his soul and grant him peace.




It is with great sadness that we record the death of Nelson Mandela, revered ‘tata’ of the South African nation, who gave his life for the freedom of his people and his country; and whose even-handed wisdom created the foundation upon which the stable and democratic South Africa rested and rests today.

Madiba was the first iconic leader of the new South Africa, and his heritage of non-racial, non-violent and peaceful transition brought great relief to millions of South Africans who had lived too long in the dark shadows of apartheid and discrimination.  He embraced everyone, regardless of colour or creed, in the spirit of unity and brotherhood; and his respect for and acceptance of the South African Jewish community was one of the most revered pillars of his statesmanship.

He had a close relationship with Jews across numerous spheres of life, and spoke at length of his admiration of the liberal and democratic values which defined them.  The strength he drew from Zionism came from Menachem Begin’s book which inspired him to initiate the creation of Umkonto We Siswe.


 In turn, people across the world drew inspiration from him and his amazing ability to draw people together. In “Long Walk to Freedom” he wrote, “I read “The Revolt” by Menachem Begin and was encouraged by the fact that the Israeli leader had led a guerrilla force in a country with neither mountains nor forests, a situation similar to our own.”

We shall never forget the magnificent legacy he has left behind him.  We thank him for his wisdom, his foresight and his generosity of spirit which were the hallmarks of his being.

May Hashem take care of his soul and grant him peace.

Avrom Krengel, chairman,
South African Zionist Federation

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