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SAFI offers bursaries to Christian community




The bursaries, donated by various accredited university campuses across southern Africa, and facilitated by the SAFI, are intended to provide training for prominent members of these communities in business and marketing skills, with a view to empowering their communities.

Said one of the beneficiaries, “Allow me to give thanks to you [the South African Friends of Israel] for giving me this precious opportunity to study at a prestigious campus. It was my desire and dream, but now it has been fulfilled. I hope and promise to do my best, and not to waste this great opportunity. I am excited to begin.”

“It is exciting for us to be able to help our friends improve their church administration, and we are confident that these six beneficiaries will do well, and pay it forward by volunteering and sharing their knowledge” said SAFI Director Gavi Sacks.

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1 Comment

  1. Siphokazi

    January 22, 2024 at 8:34 pm

    I would genuinely appreciate if I would get a financial support as I wish to pursue my career but in order for that I need money of which I’m from a very poor background my family can’t afford to pay for me I would appreciate if I get this bursary because I’m in need of it as I am accepted in Boston City College and soon I have to register I’m in need of your support

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