Letters/Discussion Forums

SAJR Online misleads with headline to Margolis matter

It is regrettable that the SA Jewish Report has chosen to sensationalise a very sensitive matter to South African Jewry in its online coverage of the matter between Rabbi Julia Margolis and the Gauteng Council of the SAJBD.



Shaun Zagnoev

SAJBD leadership explained in detail why Rabbi Margolis’ invitation to attend SAJBD meetings was temporarily suspended while she was involved in litigation against the organisation, which is in line with all legal disputes of this nature. 

The SAUPJ was invited to replace Rabbi Margolis during this time and they have chosen to do so. The Gauteng chairman of the SAUPJ, Monica Solomons, will attend the Gauteng Council of the SAJBD meetings. 

In its online reporting an unnecessarily provocative headline was used to further inflame this complex and sensitive issue: “In a shocking development – Rabbi Julia Margolis booted off the Jewish Board of Deputies Committee”.

This headline is misleading, inaccurate and in no way reflects the information contained in the article. 

While we do note that the headline has since been amended, unfortunately this mischievous initial reporting has already caused damage by further polarising our community.



Gauteng Council SAJBD




1 Comment


    April 21, 2016 at 8:39 am

    ‘To correct the headline of this letter: The complainant is referring to SAJR’s social media environment and not to SAJR Online             ANT KATZ, ONLINE EDITOR’

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