
SAUJS wins international award

The South African Union of Jewish Students (SAUJS) won the Israel Engagement Award at the 44th annual World Union of Jewish Students congress in Jerusalem on December 31.




This award is given to the union or group of students who’ve organised a unique programme that connects Jewish students to Israel in an innovative and meaningful way.

The award acknowledges the great efforts SAUJS undertook during their 2017 #SeeIsraelForYourself campaign across university campuses. The campaign aimed to make Jewish students feel more comfortable on campus during the BDS’s notorious Israel Apartheid Week.

The campaign took the average student through a journey of exploration where they could see as much of Israel for themselves as possible. They used discussion stations on campus where SAUJS members were there to chat about contentious topics. They used this event to help people understand the complexities of the Middle East and the nuances of the conflict, allowing people to engage and be educated.

The award ceremony was part of a five-day event that gathered young, global student leaders from 35 countries. It is considered one of the most important annual events for Jewish student activists around the world. About 160 delegates attended workshops and sessions, shared ideas and collaborated on how best to serve their respective student constituencies.



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