
SAZF strongly condemns Hamas visit to SA

During these past few weeks of barbaric violence targeting Israel, Hamas has enthusiastically endorsed the cold-blooded murder of Israeli civilians and instigated dozens of lethal attacks against them. The SA Zionist Federation (SAZF) said in a media release under the names of its chairman, Ben Swartz and president, Avrom Krengel, that it condemns “in the strongest terms possible” the fact that a delegation representing the Hamas Central Committee will be visiting South Africa as the honoured guests of the ruling party.




Swartz and Krengel go on to saythat contrary to what is claimed, the ideology, values, aims and strategies of Hamas are diametrically opposed to the principles of the ANC, as embodied in the Freedom Charter. At its recent National General Council, the ANC reaffirmed its support for a negotiated, two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Hamas, by contrast, does not support, nor has it ever supported, the creation of an independent Palestinian state co-existing in peace alongside Israel. Instead, its charter explicitly stipulates that no negotiated settlement is possible in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians with Jihad being the only solution.

Simply speaking, it adds, Hamas wishes to destroy Israel altogether and seeks to establish an Islamist dictatorship in its place.

Hamas, no less than Boko Haram and Al Shabab, is an Islamist extremist movement committed to extending the global Islamic caliphate through radical violent means to every inch of Israel and beyond. In the kind of state it envisages, there would be no room for the human values of democracy, freedom of religion and gender equality.

Unless the purpose of the ANC meeting with Hamas is aimed at radically moderating and aligning Hamas with the position of the South African Government, then any such engagement will simply prove both futile and counter-productive to genuine efforts aimed at the peaceful resolution of the conflict, the statement says in conclusion.


  1. nat cheiman

    October 20, 2015 at 12:21 pm

    ‘The SA government is morally bankrupt. It is also devoid of any common courtesy towards its Jewish citizens.
    \nIf Zuma and the ANC subscribe to the Hamas Charter, then I have to rethink my own position on John Vorster and PW Botha, which would in fact nauseate me. But if they (The ANC) have no concern for me, then it may be that I should have no empathy for them .
    \nIn any event, just have a look at what the ANC has done to the mining industry. The health department. SAA, Sapo, Eskom, The education including the universities. The Trade and Industry minister is playing games with our trade and Agoa benefits with America. It is either stupidity or arrogance (which is a form of stupidity). Perhaps the leaders are smoking dagga and hallucinating.
    \nThese are not the actions of reasonable people but of madmen. Hamas is NOT A FREEDOM FIGHTER OUTFIT> THEY ARE Aligned TO ISIS. THEY ARE TERRORISTS. FINISH AND KLAAR.

  2. Gary

    October 20, 2015 at 12:45 pm

    ‘ANC/SACP and Hamas – birds of a feather- If the ANC  sides with Hamas it is proving it is still a terrorist organization’

  3. Mordechai

    October 21, 2015 at 6:52 am

    ‘The best way to condemn Hamas visit and the rest of the openly Anti Israel action by the South African government is to openly and actively encourage, support and assist the SA Jewish community to leave S Africa. Clearly making Aliyah is first option by far (but not the only option). It is also time for the Rabbi’s from the pulpit to tell the Jewish youth to leave ‘

  4. Choni

    October 21, 2015 at 7:47 am

    ‘I fully agree with what you say Nat, but I think there is a deeper message here. S.African Jews are not wanted by this government, and therefore our young people must move – not to any other country- but to Israel.


  5. Mordechai

    October 21, 2015 at 8:54 am

    ‘Nat it is simple – the Jewish community of SA must leave.’

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