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Letters/Discussion Forums

Search for descendants of Nathan Klass



Maxine McCarthy

I would like to locate the grandchildren or great-grandchildren of Klass’s children, namely:

1. Samuel Jacob Klass, born 13 January 1915, died 10 October 1990. Buried in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg. Samuel may have married Irene.

2. Ruby Klass, born 22 January 1916, died 5 July 2011. Ruby married Sydney Solomon Hoffman.

3. Muriel Klass, born 22 December 1921, died 21 February 2007 in Ontario, Canada. Muriel married Wilfred Duchen.

4. Hannah Klass, born 14 April 1924. She may have died in 1957. Hannah Klass married Gerald Bennet Miller.

5. Morris Klass, born 11 January 1931. Married Lorna Felicity Jansen who was born in 1941. I don’t know if they remained in South Africa.

Contact with any information.


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  1. Chris Milton

    June 28, 2020 at 10:57 am

    ‘This is a bit of a long shot. I am not a descendant of Nathan Klass but I do wonder if he might not have been related to a Klass who does feature in my family’s history. 

    My family, Ber (later Beare) came from Zagare. It seems that one of the daughters (name not known with confidence but probably known as Jeanne Ber or Jeanne Klass after she moved to Paris) seemingly eloped with a man with the surname Klass – also presumably from Zagare. They went to Paris and had a son, Robert Klass, later a violinist of some note who settled in England with Ber family but was always known as M. Robert Klass. He was "rescued" by a Ber family member after his mother died in the 1890s. What became of his father is not known to me. Does any of this story sound at all familiar? Chris Milton’

    • P Williams

      April 16, 2024 at 9:57 am

      Last time i checked lorna still alive and nr +972-534853995
      Pauline williams

  2. pauline williams

    November 26, 2022 at 6:27 pm

    chris milton..i was in contact with lorna klass
    will get back to u

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