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Letters/Discussion Forums

Seftel’s BRT explanation rings hollow



Shaun Rossouw

As residents of Parktown East, we have been adversely affected by the same inexcusable inconvenience. The project along Empire Road is a classic example. The delays, the damage caused to water pipes and subsequent water wastage, no pedestrian walkways for the general public as well as school children from two primary schools, traffic lights that have taken months to install and to get to work properly, street lights that do not work, removal of street-lined oak trees, never-ending dust, noise and pollution from heavy machinery, the complaints can go on ad infinitum.

I have an undertaking from the contractors that this “mess” will be sorted out by the end of June. Watch this space, as this project has taken far too long to complete and moreover, far too long for any apologies forthcoming from the relevant parties.

The same drivel that Lisa Seftel has delivered in her article, was heard by representatives of Parktown East Residents Association at last year’s meeting (convened at St John’s College).

Furthermore, let’s not be fooled by assumptions that there will be fewer taxis on the road. Ms Seftel, we do not buy into the fact that taxi owners who are shareholders in the Rea Vaya BRT, have or will “give up” their taxis in exchange for this.

 Chairman, Parktown East Residents Association



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