Letters/Discussion Forums

Sexual transgressions are ‘ultimate sin’ -Torah

I wonder if the management of the Jewish Report knew that last week’s edition corresponded with the Torah reading of Parshat Balak.



Choni Davidowitz

I say this because I found the cover and various articles in the edition of July 3 both hurtful and insensitive to pure Jewish emotions.

In the parsha we are taught that because sexual transgressions of any kind are viewed by G-d as being the ultimate sin, Bilaam suggested to Balak to use the Moabite and Midianite women to seduce the Jewish men by sexual means as “weapons of war” and pushing back the fences of chastity and modesty never to be returned as they were before.

The gentile women succeeded in their mission to such an extent that 24 000 Jews died for the sins Bilaam had instigated. The parsha ends with the zealotry of Pinchas: “But Pinchas, son of Elazar, saw what had happened, and remembered the Law. He stood up from among the congregation and, taking a spear in his hand, he went into the tent after an Israelite man and pierced the spear through both of them – the Israelite man, and the gentile woman – right through her lower abdomen.

“The plague then ceased from the children of Israel. A total of 24 000 died in the plague.” (Numbers: 25; 7-9). Pinchas was rewarded with eternal priesthood and a covenant of peace for zealously avenging G-d’s anger. (Num. 25;10)

Today we are witnessing a continuation of the Bilaam syndrome of reducing the world’s moral level on a grand scale. It is being performed by the Supreme Court of the United States, by declaring same-sex marriages to be recognised in all 50 states of the country. As the world, including South Africa edges closer to suicidal immorality, at least we the Jewish nation will know that there is an Island of kedusha, sanity and morality in Eretz Yisrael.

It is distressing that South African Jewry has a major news outlet where columnists write articles with a headline: “Can SA Jewry provide a home for same-sex marriages?” The author challenges religious leaders to make all Jews, no matter what their sexual preferences are, to feel at home among them.

While it is true that we must not outright condemn individuals who commit Torah sexual transgressions, there can be no compromise with the sin itself.

I would like to commend your on-line editor, Ant Katz, who approximately 18 months ago, wrote the following line in a blog: “I was brought up to believe that nobody should question our Holy Torah.”

I agree 100 per cent with this sentiment and find it especially relevant when applied to the subject of Jewish morality and sexual matters.





  1. Gary Selikow

    July 13, 2015 at 6:43 pm

    ‘Murder and terrorism, , not sexual transgressions, are the greatest sin’

  2. Choni

    July 14, 2015 at 1:55 pm

    ‘Hello Gary, Thanks for your comment. Our sages teach us that if keeping a mitzvah will result in a potential danger to a persons life he must disregard it for the purpose of pikuach  nefesh in order to preserve his life, with the exceptions of sins involving murder, idolatry or forbidden sexual relationships.



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