
Shine G-d’s light into the world



We the children of Israel are compared to the moon. The moon has no light of its own but gets it all from the sun. Imagine if the moon was split up into a million different pieces. Yes, the sun would still shine as brightly, but its light wouldn’t be shone into the world.

We are the same. When we aren’t united, the light, no matter how strong, cannot be seen in the world.

The light is G-d’s light, and our job is to reflect that light into the world. The only way to do that is by being united. Yes, the moon has craters and hills but from afar, you don’t see that. You see only the light, and this light shines brightest in the night. In these dark times, we must shine G-d’s light into the world. On Rosh Chodesh Tishrei – Rosh Hashanah – the light of the moon is at its fullest.

There are people that hate us. They try to bring us down and destroy our unity. But it’s this very hatred that brings us together. People davening, people sending letters and supplies, a soldier who won’t leave his fellow soldier behind. But this is only half of what we have to do. We have to spread light all around the world.

The holy temple was destroyed because of hatred for no reason, and the third and final holy temple will be brought through love for no reason. Why did Aaron become the kohen gadol? Moshe seemed more fitting – he was holier and had a closer relationship with G-d. Aaron was known for his love of peace. It turns out it’s not how holy you are, but how much love you have for G-d’s creations that brings you closer to G-d.

The numerical value of ahavah (love) is 13. G-d’s name has a numerical value of 26. It takes two people that love to bring G-d’s presence into the world. This name of G-d refers to two things: first, kindness; second G-d’s eternal being.

Kindness is eternal, love is eternal, unity is eternal.

So, on Rosh Chodesh Tishrei we must be united and bring G-d’s presence into this world.

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